26 June 2024

Stockings, Showgirls and Coveralls

Hello everyone, it's been a while but the vanilla world has been keeping all of us very preoccupied.

I must apologise to everyone with blogs that we normally regularly visit and comment on as we have been very poor with keeping up with everyone.  Yes we should all be spanked, but that probably wouldn't be considered a punishment for some of us....

So what has been happening for us, well things have settled down a bit with Madam's family and as previously mentioned we made a point of not meeting Ellie's future in-laws, we wanted Ellie's parents to do that first.  That has now happened and from all accounts went well.  We will hopefully meet David's parents in August.  That will be a very Vanilla weekend, the last thing we need is to cause any family issues from that direction! 

On my side of things work while not busy, it is time consuming as I am spending a lot of time on the road traveling to project meetings and being stuck in slow traffic.  It is does leave me rather knackered at the end of each day!

The other aspect is that I've had to spend a lot of time bidding for work for the back end of this year and into next year.  It takes time but it needs to be done so that I can keep Madam in the lifestyle that she demands.....those stockings and heels don't buy themself!

There has been slight changes with Madam's work, as she has been given a temporary promotion to the head of her project team.  This has given her additional responsibilities but she seems to be enjoying it.  She has been told that she is actually in the running for a formal promotion and is being considered for 2 potentials jobs if she is successful.  Madam is convinced that they have promoted her in her team to assess her, but my view is that her team needed a lead and she was the most suitable and that she should use this as a learning and development opportunity.  However the down side of this is that Madam has convinced herself that she needs to brush up on her Project management knowledge,  If only she knew some one who could do some Project Management revision with her......Yeh, that might be me then.

Here is the dilemma that I have, formally teaching your wife is bad enough, but the fact that she is also your Mistress and every Thursday she spanks/ punish you, it adds another level of pressure to delivering good quality training.    

To provide a break and diversion from Madam's focus on her work and what the future might hold, 2 weeks ago I decided to take her for a treat.  Madam loves going to the Theatre so I managed to get some tickets for a Saturday Matinee of Moulin Rouge.  So John gave us a life to the train station and a short trip into London with a brief stop to grab a Sandwich before getting to the Theatre near Piccadilly ready for the show, while our seats were up in the Gods there was no trouble with the view.

Now I don't mind the theatre, and while musicals are not my particular thing, I have to say that I really enjoyed the show.  But more importantly was the fact that Madam was really getting into it.

The added bonus was that the cast spent most of show in corsets and stockings.  Madam spent a large part of the show rubbing my thighs and feeling the straps of my suspenders under my trousers.  I really enjoyed the show but it wasn't comfortable being turned on by all of the stocking clad cast and a rather excited wife rubbing your leg and occasionally the inside of my thigh.  Madam also made the comment that I had very similar frilly knickers as some of the cast and if she had thought about it she would have made me wear them!

I can assure everyone my chastity was very uncomfortable!! 

I'm also glad that I didn't put my khaki slacks on as they would probably have had a a visible damp spot!

I would say that our trip to London and the Theatre was a complete success, Madam was completely distracted by it all and although it was just a short visit it did help her to unwind for the weekend.  So Job Done!

However it was not job done for me.  On the following day we discovered that at some point a few roof tiles had moved on the house and had been letting water in, so I spent the sunday in a set of old coveralls in the rain up on the roof with the plan to reset the tiles only to find that there was a hole batch of them that were loose/ not properly fixed.  The previous owner strikes again! nevermind I did a quick fix after assessing the extent of the problem and how much water had got in and then worked out what tools and materials I would need for a full repair.  So for the last weekend and the last few days with the good weather that we have had has found me back up the ladder and with a tower scaffold working on doing the full repair to the roof.

I'd like to say that I was properly attired for the job but it was more a case of dressing for the weather with a scruffy T-shirt and set of shorts.

Thankfully the house is now wind and weather tight again, and I'm trying to recover from shifting and laying roof tiles like I did as a 17 year old labourer but then after the job being reminded by my body that I'm nearly 60 and and that I need to bloody behave! 

There, that is quick summary of where we have been and what we've been upto over the last few weeks.  Madam should get word of the selection process for the jobs that she is being considered for in the next few weeks and I suspect that they will want to try and do the interviews before August so we will just have to wait and see - fingers crossed!  

03 June 2024

Its been a Mad few weeks

 Evening everyone, well we are still alive and currently we haven't done too much harm to anyone, despite what some people have tried doing.....

As a couple we have taken the last two weekends to just relax and try and recharge batteries.  I have been busy with my work but the frustration has been with travelling to and from meetings, the M1 motorway has just been a bloody nightmare and to be honest my client is paying more for my travel time than they are for my time in the meetings, but they want the face to face meeting so.....

Madam on the other hand is currently a bit stressed with work and also with her family.  Currently her team is short staffed and just to add some pressure she has been told that she is being viewed for a potential promotion.  Under normal circumstances she would be all over the promotion but she is being pulled in several directions.

I had to go and chat with our Ellie and David, mainly to lay the law down a little, don't panic it wasn't a bad thing.  Ellie had made arrangements for us to meet David's parents , which was great and we really do want to meet them but we found out that the plan was for us to meet his parents before Ellie's parents got to meet them.  Having only just managed to "negotiate a peace treaty" between the youngsters and Ellie's mother we thought that this would just blow everything out of the water.  However a visit from Uncle Mick and a conversation along the lines of "Sit down and pin your ears back...." got the message home and the realisation of how delicate the peace is in the family.

 Now while I played Mister nasty, the young couple did realise that it was the sensible thing to do.  The real reason that I did it was to ensure that there was no unnecessary stress added to my Mistress Wife, particularly at the moment when she needs some one looking after her.

In terms of our FLR we are doing fine, as mentioned we have been taking time to recharge batteries and just relaxing.

Last thursday I made the point at the weekly review to slightly inflate my errors so that I would get a higher set of punishments.  Why?  because Madam needed to let off steam and stress and I know that she does get a buzz/ tension release when she punishes me.  she isn't a sadist but the endorphins work in both directions for both the sub and the Dom.  I did pick up a further 6 strokes with the paddle as she realised what I was doing!

It hurt like buggery but it was worth doing!  Madam seem quite content later that evening when I put her to bed.

We've also had a few light hearted moments over the weekend as well, on Sunday morning I got up to make some tea for myself to prepare some breakfast in bed for Madam.  She was sound asleep when I headed for the kitchen and started a brew, I popped some music on as I prepped the breakfast and the coffee percolator did it's thing.  After a while things were coming together and all of a sudden I heard a noise to turn round to find Madam in the doorway giggling to herself.

"How long have you been there?"

"long enough to watch you bouncing around in your satin dressing gown to the Sisters of Mercy!"

Fair play, she did catch me enjoying "The temple of love" (radio edit) by the Sisters of Mercy, a particular favourite of mine and it is frightening to realise that it is over 32 years old!  Well despite my aged frame and knackered knees I can still manage to enjoy a bit of my favourite music and don't care what I look like.  Madam seemed to enjoy my arse moving around barely covered by a bit of satin so that is all that matters! 

Temple of Love - Video

 next weekend give it a try, you might enjoy it!

At the moment things look like they will continue to be busy for Madam at work and I will work to try and keep things calm at home for her, so that she can come home and relax.  I'm hoping that the client of my current project will see the sense in minimising the face to face meetings and switch to Teams/ Zoom meetings.  That will give me the ability to get back into my normal home routine and to be billie more than Mick, mainly as Madam likes me as billie and it helps keep my life in balance.

Well keep smiling everyone and we'll let you know how things progress and if there is any updates on Madam's potential promotion at work. 

Ups and downs...flashes and bangs!

This isn't the originally planned blog post that I had hoped to post this week but I thought that I needed to get something out this wee...