01 February 2024

Task update - Naming of Toys

I have been getting hounded/ harassed by poppet subslut to give an update on the Christmas task of having my dildos/ toys named.  Also Marciann put a comment up on the original post asking for an update on the names as well as a suggestion for the cock gag.

Link to the original post

We have names for all but 2 of them, however one has a temporary name, which will need to be confirmed but I'll explain about that shortly.  So of the ones that needed names we have the following:

The penis gag has been named after my very good friend and wicked tormentor - Poppet.  However the wicked sissy witch that she is (see the link for proof https://poppetsubslut.blogspot.com/2023/10/home-alone-witchiness.html) has placed conditions and restrictions upon me.  I'm not allowed to suck or lick the gag when it is in my mouth on pain of punishment from Madam  and a punishment has happened already!
You can almost tell that Poppet just wants to use that flogger on me when I have the penis gag in place!!
(Poppet knows that I would let her do it to me anyway

The next on is the largest toy that I have.

For this one there was a suggestion from Knacker249 to name it after him due to the length and thickness being close to his appendage, Madam was quite taken with the fact that after a session with this toy I am quite "knackered", so she approved that it would be know as 'Knacker' or 'The Knackerer' 

Currently the 5" toy is still to be named.  kerri has put forward a suggestion but Madam isn't quite convinced on it as yet, so we have a few more days before we have to name it. 

The 7" toy is the one that has been given a temporary name, and it is one that Madam has said that I looked to get clarified.  Madam has informed me that I am to refer to this one as "David".  Madam wants me to get clarification from our niece, who is becoming a very confident Dom in her own FLR, on the size of her submissive boyfriend.  I have a very distinct feeling her visit to us in March is going to be quite uncomfortable and humiliating for me in soooo many ways!! 

Hopefully that brings everyone upto date on the progress.  

Let us know in the comments if you have suggestions for the 5" or just general observations, I'm sure wicked poppet will continue to torment me from the comments section!


  1. Yeah, that princess poppet can be a mean little brat :) Good job she rarely comes out to play but i hope you have are now sticking with your end of the deal and don't need punishing again? :)

    i have to say, knacker249 has a nice little cock. Makes me a little moist.


    1. P,
      Yes P, you can let Princess know that I am sticking to my end of the deal, added to which Madam watches me like a hawk when it is in use.

      with reference to the Knacker - you are such a tart, dear Poppet!

      billie xxx


Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

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