29 October 2023

Please lock me up and give Sir the Key!

On my weekly review night on Thursday the 19th October I stood before Madam's desk, having given my report on the things that I considered that Madam needed to know where my performance had been less than the high standards that she expects or that I wanted to achieve.

As normal Madam noted down where I had picked things up that she had not.  Madam then informed of the points that she had picked up and then she informed of what punishments/ corrections would be allocated.  I acknowledged my shortfalls and my punishments were fully justified and appropriate.  20 hand spankings, 12 with the paddle and 20 minutes corner time.

As I finished my corner time, having stood there for 20 minutes with my knickers slowly dropping from my knees to ankles and having held the rear of my skirt up while Madam sat at her desk  doing what ever Madam normally did when I stood in my punishment corner with my nose to the wall, Madam ordered me to pull up my knickers and to stand in front of her desk again.

"You've had quite a few emails from 2 of your friends this week haven't you?"

"Yes Madam"

Madam has full access to my gmail account and often has a look to see what I'm unto and to make sure that I was replying to emails  in a timely fashion.

"You and your little tart friend have been getting quite carried away with each other from what I can see, judging from your reply's to each other, you have been getting quite excited with each other's replies.  Is this the case?"

"Yes Madam, sorry Madam."

"I don't mind too much, but you didn't bring this to my attention, did you Dear? and you didn't put this in your report book either to discuss this evening, Did you?"

"No Madam, Sorry Madam"

"Well we'll have make sure you pay a penance for such misbehaviour.  I'll give it a thought and we'll deal with this at the weekend, now off you go and get on with your chores."

I was dismissed and headed to the kitchen to deal with the dishes from the evening meal.

The thing that had me thinking was that as the punishment was being deferred to the weekend I made the assumption that Madam would get Sir to administer what ever the punishment would be.

Saturday morning found things as busy as normal, Sir had come over as usual on the Friday evening, everyone was up for a breakfast downstairs at the dining table.  Sir had to go into work for the morning as his company is preparing for a new contract so he wanted to check that things were ready for the start on Monday.  He would be back later in the afternoon and his plan was to take Madam out for a few drinks that evening.  

As Sir left, I cleared the table, still trying to think when I would be getting my punishment from him.  My best guess would be that it probably be done just before they went out this evening, probably so that I would have to drive the car with a sore bottom as I drop them off at the pub of their choice.

With the table cleared and the few plates washed, I was starting to put the last few things back in the cupboard when Madam casually asked if I was currently plugged?

"No Madam, not at the moment".

"That's fine, go pop one of your metal plugs in and take off the skirt and blouse and and join me in the lounge."

Well, with that type of offer you don't hang around!

when I returned Madam was just positioning one of the dining chairs in the middle of the room facing the TV and she indicated for me to come and sit down.  Just as I was about to sit she stopped me and told me to take off my panties.

As I sat down Madam pulled up another chair and placed it next to me and she sat down next to me.

"Now, we are going to have a little bit of Mistress and sissy fun since John is going to be away for a little while.  I'm going to let you out of your cage, but there are 2 rules you must not touch yourself and you are not to cum.  If you start to get close to cumming you must tell me. Do you understand?"

I nodded quickly and gave a verbal - Yes Madam!

Madam leaned forward kissed me and produced the key to my cage.  (I had managed to get the key back from Sir the previous weekend after it had been passed to him prior to our holiday.)

Madam unlocked the cage and carefully removed my little clit from the caged and pushed it back a little so that the back ring could also be removed.

Madam was starting to fondle my clittie and leaned in again and gave me another kiss, longer this time and slowly worked her tongue into my mouth.  The kiss was held between us and she continued to play with my small penis which was slowly starting to have the life brought back into it.

"I thought we would look at some of our holiday photos together."  with that she picked up the TV remote and pressed the source button and then scrolled down to USB.  Four file folders appeared on the screen each numbered. She selected file 1 and then the thumbnails started to appear but she pressed menu and selected slideshow.

The screen filled with a picture of Alice posing next to the car at the Euro Tunnel terminal in her skirt and blouse.

"Do you remember what colour knickers I was wearing Dear?"

"You weren't wearing any Madam."

Madam was slowly stroking me, starting to bring life back into my clittie and allowing it to slowly increase in size .

The next image came up and it was of me in my satin and tights travelling underwear.

"Ooh, I do love that outfit on you, very sissy and very submissive", she leaned in and whispered"I just love the way your chastity is so exposed and your hole is so available."

"what did I do to you when we got to the hotel that evening?"

She had increased the pace on my slightly firm little penis.

"fucked me Madam."

"What were you wearing?  how did I fuck you?  Tell me Dear?"

"I was wearing that underwear, Madam, You fucked me with your strap on."

"Yes I did, didn't I, you do moan like a girl when you are fucked in your sissy hole, don't you dear?"

I answered yes and Madam kept the grip on my clit but slowed the pace back down again.  The photo now changed to one of Madam wearing a bra, suspender belt with stockings and her strap on.

The questions began again, all while Madam continued to stroke and wank my clit.  The questions would range from what are you wearing and more humiliating questions "You don't look very Manly in that photo in a pink baby doll do you dear?  What do you look like? Yes dear very much the sissy"

Photo change, "Oh look Dear, its you practising cock sucking on the dildo, isn't it?  How many Blow Jobs did you have to give John to get the chastity key back? that's right 6, one for everyday we were away."

Madam's hand pressure and pace went up a gear, particularly when she was asking the humiliating questions.

The photos kept changing every 30 seconds and Madam kept up the barrage of questions and humiliations.

At one point I moved my arms and hands "No dear, put them back, remember no touching.  Leave it to me I know what I'm doing, Besides this is good quality intimacy between wife and husband, Mistress and her submissive, isn't it?"

I put my arms back and started to close my eyes and she kept the pace up on my now swollen little clittie.

"No, No, No, keep you eyes open and on the screen"

We were going back through the images again and I could start to feel things building.

"Madam, I'm getting ready...."

she slowed the pace and loosened the pressure.

She pressed pause and let me calm just a little.  As things started to subside, she pressed play again and and we were off again.  The same cycle of verbal humiliations and questions, building up the arousal and then easing back.

We had gone through the pack of photos probably about 3 times when she stopped and decided that we should pick something different.

File 2 were photos of women with well endowed men. as I found out mixed in with these were the occasional photo of Madam with Sir.  These sets of photos brought lots of humiliating questions about why I was cuckolded, why it was important for Madam to have a suitable and capable lover, and so on and so on. 

Again Madam continued with the humiliating questions or statements as she skilfully continued to edge me.  Depending on the photo it might be a fast pace or slow, tight pressure or light pressure.  

These photos tended to result in comparison of size, girth and strength of erection.  all things that I didn't have, but she continued to wank me, increasing my humiliation and that in its self may well have been sustaining my poor effort to try and be hard.

We went through this photo set a couple of times and on a couple of occasions Madam had to stop or slow down so that I didn't cum.

Madam moved on to the 3rd folder of pictures.  These were a real mix of photos, some where lingerie photos, some just panties, some about cuckolding.  Again Madam continued the verbal humiliation questions all the time stroking at me.  I realised that these were all photos that a friend had emailed to me over the last couple of months, (S)he finds interesting images or images that she thinks I would like and adds them to the emails, as a way of keeping my morale up.  Here I was sat in a chair now being ever so erotically tortured by them.

We had been going now for well over an hour and I was desperate to orgasm, I don't now how many times I had come close, each time Madam backed off just enough.  My clittie wasn't anywhere near as firm as it had been before and it was starting to become a little bit sore with the constant friction.

Madam decided to select file 4.

"Oh you're going to love this set, it's from your tarty friend, she does like having fantasies involving you doesn't she?  I wonder if Kerri should know?"  and with that the slide show starts.

I tell Madam that I do keep kerri updated to my emails, to which Madam told me that she knows and she was just teasing me.

As the photos appeared Madam continued her working of my clittie, always giving a commentary and asking questions.

"You like this photo, don't you? I know you do? Its the stockings and basque, isn't it?"

"The sissy looks like butter would melt when you see the top half, but where did she say she wanted your tongue? Oh yes, deep in here arse..."

On and on, as the next orgasm started to build, I let Madam know and she slowed.  I asked if we could finish or if she could use some lube on my clittie and her hand?

"Sorry dear, you've not seen all of the photos in this set yet, and as for some lube, I don't think so.  I think we can go again you seemed to have calmed down again."

And once more my tormentor started her verbal and physical assault on me.  The edging was now starting to mess with me in a big way and my poor clit felt that it was being rubbed raw.  I nearly came 3 more times and each time I started to beg more for either for Madam to stop or to use some lubricant.

The photos where now on the 3 showing and Madam told me to start to beg her to stop, all while still wanking my little sore penis.

" Please Madam, please will you stop?"

"Please Madam!"

"alright but it will cost you.  You have a choice you go back into chastity until Christmas and John keeps the key or you go into chastity until the end of January and miss out on being released during our time together and when Carol and kerri visit before new year?"

Madam was still abusing my clittie.  The choice was a no-brainer, Chastity to Christmas.

"Chastity to Christmas please Madam."

"Beg and ask for all of it?"

"Please Madam, would you please lock your submissive back in chastity until Christmas and give the key to Sir, Please Madam?"

"Agreed, you obviously don't want to miss out on Christmas treats do you dear?" She was chuckling at that.

She was right, regularly I get unlocked at Christmas for a few days and also we have invited Carol and kerri to come and stay with us for New Year, and I have a bit of a hope that I might be allowed to be uncaged while they visit. 

She stopped and told me to stay seated and not to touch anything.  She stood up and walked out of the room.  I spent my time catching my breath and just calming down.

She came back with a bowl of water, a cloth and some cream.  I was given a bit of a clean up as while I didn't orgasm there was a bit of leakage.  Madam applied some cooling cream to the red skin, which helped really quickly.

Madam told me to come and join her on the couch and we had a bit of time kissing and cuddling together.  I was told that I could stay uncaged until 2pm and then I would be back in chastity - in the small cobra until tomorrow when Madam would do a check on the skin and if things looked alright I would be back into the Nano cage again - until Christmas.

Madam pointed out that she would do another check on my skin on Monday and all being well I would be expected to go to Sir's work and drop off the key.

"Oh by the way, to get the key back for Christmas you'll need to arrange popping over to visit John each week and earn the key back.  I think you know how to do that, don't you billie?"

"Yes Madam." 


  1. Oh billie - i can't imagine what must have been going through your mind as you were oh so painfully masturbated by Alice whilst gawping at images of sluts and not allowed to cum. It must have been quite frustrating.

    i do hope you get to work off some of that pent up frustration by giving Sir lots of long, messy blow jobs. Christmas isn't really that far off you know, less than two months away in fact.


    1. P,
      it was all very frustrating, and Madam was very aware of what images to put extra effort into humiliating me with.
      As for other things I am making efforts to earn the key back, Sir has pointed out that I have 5 more visits and Christmas Eve to go...
      billie xxx

  2. How long have you been in chastity now I’m 87 days Mary Jane x

    1. Mary Jane, I've been fully caged for just over a month now. I was only let out of the cage for 4 hours to attend a Hospital appointment, while that doesn't sound long it is technically a break from being caged.
      I put myself back in the cage as soon as I got back to the house. I feel more comfortable with myself when I'm caged.
      billie xxx

    2. It’s great being caged billie nothing to get bothers about down there mine doesn’t even get hard anymore I love it 😍 it useless for a man or woman I only use it to piss out of and the the wet dreams are a little bonus but as I get older they are getting less and less 4 this year love Mary Jane xxx

    3. Morning Mary Jane, while I struggled with the going down a size in chastity cage at the start of the year, I now find it very comfortable, the thing that I have noticed since wearing it is that majority of the time I will not get hard in it, even when I'm being fucked. Madam has certainly noticed this and regularly reminds me, to my humiliation, that my lack of size and lack of ability to get hard is why we have Sir in the relationship.
      billie xxx


Ups and downs...flashes and bangs!

This isn't the originally planned blog post that I had hoped to post this week but I thought that I needed to get something out this wee...