12 March 2023

How to get ideas for keeping things interesting

 From Madam Alice:

In any relationship it is important to make sure that things don't get stale, staid or boring.  I am always on the look out for ideas  for things to try and to do in our relationship.  Things that will be interesting and that fit with our FLR, things that work for billie and myself, John and me, and for all three of us.

We are also lucky in that John also gets this concept for the relationship and does contribute, and most importantly he understands that there are 3 of us in this relationship and that is probably why this relationship has worked so long.

One of the methods that I use is to set billie a task, we used to this everyday but it started to take too much time, now we use it generally twice a week.  The each task is based on one of the following questions:

  • Find me 10 images that you think I would like and tell me why?
  • Find me 10 images that you like and tell me why?
  • I have provided 5 images, what do you like about them and what don't you like about them? provide a sentence answer to each.
  • Find 5 gifs or short clips that would be useful for the blog and tell me why?
  • From your blog reading list find me a post that is different or thought provoking?
  • From social media find me a post that you agree with and a post that you disagree with? (no politics!)
  • Today post at least 2 comments to blogs that you follow and tell me why you posted those comments. (* when I use this task I make a point that he can't use our blogs or those of Poppet or Sara Girl as he reply's regularly on their sites.)
  • Find 5 images that you think John would like and tell me why you think that is the case?
  • Find 5 images that you think kerri would like and tell me why you think that is the case?
  • Find me 5 interesting BDSM images but don't tell me why you think they are interesting? 
  • Find me 5 FemDom images or Memes that I would like?
  • Find me 5 images or memes that would make me laugh?
  • Find me 5 images or memes that make you smile, tell me why?

The list can go on and on, but these are the common ones.  I save each of the images and the responses into file area and it allows me to get an insight on what billie likes, doesn't like or what interests him and also what he thinks other people may like or be interested in.

With this type of information I can look at developing ideas with billie on things to do, to ramp things up or to calm things down.  It helps to keep things fresh and fun for both of us in the relationship.


  1. Madam Alice - that is such an interesting idea. i shall draw Owner's attention to it.


  2. (Curtsy)
    Madam Alice,
    I am honored that I was a recipient of one of billie’s tasks
    (A post on my site)
    It warmed my sissy heart


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