01 February 2023

A Girls Weekend - plans being made.

 From Madam Alice:

We had a hope to have a get together with Carol and Kerri at the New Year, but unfortunately Carol had taken unwell with the flu and was bedded down so Myself and my husband had to entertain John on our own, and I think we managed to keep him entertained!

We re-arranged to have a new get together the weekend after Valentines Day, just billie and myself, down at Carol's on the Saturday, everyone out for a meal and then back to Carols house for an overnight stay of girls/gurls only fun.  Unfortunately a change with Kerri's work schedule has meant that we've had to reschedule once again, but as it turns out it will work out better for all of us.

The last weekend in March - the 24th, 25th and 26th, has now been booked by everyone as a long weekend for us to meet up.  Just not all together!

The boys - John and Carol's B/F Dan have been told that we are having a girls weekend, so John is heading off to see his daughters and Dan will be arranging going fishing probably.

As for us Girls, the plans are already being laid.  I'll be heading to Carol's on the Friday morning but I'll be leaving billie behind at home, I want to have a very lovely weekend with my Mentor and Girlfriend.  Having not seen her for months I can't wait to see her and to spend some quality time with her.

And what about billie, well that lucky sissy will play host to Kerri at our house.  The only thing is that we don't know if it will be Mistress Kerri that turns up or kerri his girlfriend.  If it is Mistress Kerri then I can imagine that billie will have a lovely weekend in his short maids uniform serving his Weekend Mistress.  I'll give her full access to use my bedroom and study with my punishment toys, mind you she would probably bring her own toys.

If it is kerri his girlfriend that turns up then the two of them will be staying in the Maids room together, having some gurlie fun no doubt. I've already told billie he will not be unlocked that weekend but Kerri/kerri might be...if he plays his cards right!

I have a suspicion that billie is already REALLY looking forward to it, he has already booked a restaurant for the Saturday night, probably wants to try and impress Kerri with the hope that she'll want to get into his panties. 

Hopefully there will be no more cancellations or changes, as we've all been in need of meeting up and catching up with our Mentors and very special friends Carol and Kerri.  Looks like we both have plans to make for the end of March.


  1. Madam Alice - i imagine billie REALLY is looking forward to a weekend with Kerri. What a lovely treat billie has in store. i trust that you have an equally fun time with Carol. i do look forward to reading all about your exploits at some point.

    There must be something 'in the air' that weekend as Owner is off to Italy for a few days away with a good friend of Hers too.

    i hope you and billie both have a wonderful time


    1. P,
      We are all looking forward to it.

      Madam has gone on a mercy mission to Mistress Carol's last night and will be bringing her to stay with us for the next couple of days, just to cheer her up. She was really looking forward to coming to us at New Year after having a bit of a rough time last year, to then miss out due to getting Flu just knocked her sideways. I think she was pinning her hopes for the Feb weekend and was really disappointed that that it had to be changed.

      Hopefully a few days with us will help to cheer her up. I've put some extra wine in the fridge....

      Unfortunately Kerri has to work but I am really looking forward to seeing her as it has been quite a long time. Yes I already have a table booked for us. I don't often go out for an evening so it will be quite a treat for me. Part of me hopes that it will be g/f kerri that comes up and the other part of me hopes that it will be Mistress Kerri, I'll just have to wait and see.

      I'm sure that we'll both have something to say about our weekend in March.

      billie xxx


Changes and Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

 From Madam Alice: I know that I have not written for a bit of time but that is due to a number of things, mainly as Blogger still has restr...