31 January 2023

You are what you wear

The last 2 weeks have been busy on the work front for both Madam and myself, we've both had trips away and it has meant that we have spent a few days where our paths have only crossed briefly.  So this post is quite appropriate.

For me there are quite a lot  of times when I have to go out into the vanilla world to do real life tasks or for work. When I do, I need to make sure that I'm dressed the part and appropriate. But there is always the need to meet Madam's requirements of our FLR and marriage.

For example a normal Friday morning is when I take a trip out to get the weekly shop. To the wider world I'm a bloke wandering about the supermarket with a trolley and a hand written grocery list. what most don't see is under the Rugby Shirt, jeans and fleece Jacket is the Bra, panties and suspender belt holding up the stockings. Come the summer things normally change to replacing the bra for a cami top.

why bother? why not just put on your jeans and shirt and go shopping?

Well because Madam wants me to always have female underwear on, to always have some form of hosiery on my legs.  During the winter these can be opaques, or if they are lighter deniers then I will have opaque knee highs on as well.

I own very few male dress socks now, most have been replaced with 60 denier knee highs.  The same goes with my male underpants, there are a couple of pairs put to one side in a drawer with my male socks.  Most of my male socks are thick socks for when I have to wear site boots, wellies or if I'm going to do some serious walks (which I occasionally do as a way of getting some exercise without annoying my knee too much).

My day to day knickers are normally from Marks & Spencer and will often be a multi pack of Full Briefs or Brazilian cut briefs, and normally nylon or modal material.  That helps to keep my fancy pants for specific jobs at home when fully in billie mode.

As for stockings I continue to use Charnos 24/7 15 denier stockings, they are a plain top and come in a 2 pack.  They are a good everyday wearing item.  That gets matched up with one of my suspender belts.

when it comes to vanilla work wear, I'm at the stage now where I tend to wear Jacket and trousers.  Often it will be a tweed jacket but the trousers will be a suitable type that would match - tweed, chinos, jean cut (but not blue denim - I feel too old for that) and I also have got in to the habit of wearing a waist coat.  The idea is to try and look smart for the meetings without being too formal and stiff (but I do like Traditional and Madam does like her husband in tweed as well as lingerie).  I also try and use coloured or checked shirts.

This whole set up works really well with wearing my lingerie underneath.  The coloured shirts and waist coats allow me to wear a bra, even when  take my jacket off.  The trousers are thick enough to allow the stockings and suspenders to be worn and the suspender clips are not completely noticeable (you'd see them if you went looking for them) and the leg length, even if they rise up when I sit in a low chair is covered by the use of the knee highs and the way they look like thin dress socks.

 The only sort of variation on this is when we head to see Madam's family, this normally means that I will switch to either tights or hold ups as the risk of being hugged tightly by a family member (Ellie!) is quite high, so no suspender belt or bra.

The last thing to bear in mind is what to wear to hide your chastity as well as comfort, The cut and style of the trousers does have a impact and as I found to my cost with one cage that having trousers that are too close fitting or of a material that is to stiff or unyielding can be painful - I had a CB-6000 cage split on me when we were driving and I had on a pair of jeans, and that I can assure people is bloody painful.  when I was wearing slightly larger cages I tended to go a size up in waist size of the trousers this tended to give more space in the bum and the groin area.  Its more about the sitting down rather than the standing.  

With the smaller metal and resin cages I can get away with my normal size trousers.  A word of advice - Have shirts of a good length (front and back) and wear a belt with your trousers, unless you want to expose the tops of your knickers, suspender belt or tights to the world.  OK I accept sometimes that risk of exposure is the risk that some people want/ crave. For me it is a case of being discrete about my undergarments when in male mode.

It has been interesting chatting with other submissives about what they would and do wear and there are similar variations for what they wear for public and professional/ working life.  

Some of it relates to how public you are with your home life, how comfortable with being seen as a submissive or sissy.

For some it is just a case of just wearing panties is enough to either give thrill or for their partners to have control over them by forbidding them to wear anything other than women's knickers.

There are 2 particular examples from my working life that I remember.  One chap that I worked with always wore silk and satin french knickers and was very open about it saying that he found them very comfortable and "felt great".  There was no submissive or sissy aspects, just someone with a liking of silk/ satin underwear and at the time there probably wasn't a lot of male boxers in that material, added to which he wasn't afraid to show people if they asked or if he'd was out on the piss.

The other example was a slightly different reason, a bloke that I had worked with on projects for a number of years and had a reputation for sleeping around - which had cost him his first marriage - was required by his second wife to always wear her knickers from the previous day as well as have his toe nails painted with bright red nail polish.  This was her way of reducing the likely hood of  him straying.  I would think if that was today, my fellow Site manager would have been placed in a chastity cage by his wife!

Having spoken with SaraE on this topic is about wearing women's knickers for her, as she puts it any type from Granny Panties to Thongs are what she likes.

Kerri, tends to be Enfemme most of the time when not at work - She is a TV not TS  - but for work she needs to be a little bit more conservative with the way she dresses.  Jacket shirt and tie are a requirements, so she says that her rebellious streak has her wearing Cami tops, suspender belt, stockings and panties.  while her shirt tends to be a woman's shirt (hard to notice when your tie covers the buttons) and she removes all of her earrings apart form a set of plain stud earnings. 

A TS friend that I have and chat to regularly works on trying to have an androgynous style of dressing, she works in a sector that would be very open and welcoming to her turning up to work fully enfemme but as she puts it, that just wouldn't work with her personal life, but she feels that by selecting a mix or styles of clothing she can feel very femme without attracting too much attention to herself.  In her case I have seen her being able to change her look just be altering the way she does her hair and with a little bit of make up (and I do mean just a little bit.) and occasionally by changing an item or colour of clothing, she can switch between Male, Androgynous and Female quickly and easily.

I had a good chat with Poppet over this and it very interesting to understand what we wear and what we are open or shut about doing and wearing.  The differences for Private, social, public and Professional can be completely different and for all of us what we are wearing at that particular time or role can change the way we behave or present our selves to our variety of audiences. If you have been to Poppets Blog (and I strongly recommend that you do - Link in the side bar) you will know what a shameless exhibitionist slut she is (❤❤💋💋 all said with love!), and with confidence (and she has that in shovel loads) you can carry that off in public - while we Brits often get accused of being prudes we are really quite taken with Eccentric behaviour and having a confidence can carry things through and it's surprising what you can get away with.  Also when you are in the face of the public- either at work or play, if you're just getting on with "stuff" most folks with either ignore it or "tut, it just the way he is!"

So for all the submissives sissies out there  - Wear what you are comfortable wearing, in a way that works for your relationship, your life and your work.  And just remember we are what we wear.


  1. billie - very sound advice in what you write. i also think there is a movie franchise in their somewhere 'the secret sissy'. Can i audition?

    Quick question though, are you sure that you wear stockings/nylons just because Madam wants you to have some sort of hosiery on your legs? i think you may also have a teeny weenie little fetish for such items yourself :)

    Really interesting to read what others wear, thank you for collating and sharing. As you know i am a bit of a fan of the 'ooops i accidentally bent down and showed you my thong' look or the 'oh dearie me has my button been undone all this time and you've been staring at my bra under my blouse' or stretching up to reach something so your blouse rises to reveal the cami underneath. It is little moments like that that makes work so much more fun :)


  2. P,

    I could imagine the strap line for the film - "The Secret Sissy - What you don't know is that they are all around you!"

    How dare you Madam! I'm forced to wear stockings, forced I tell you! well maybe not that forced...Oh Damn it, I'm not really forced...

    Stocking wearer anonymous- "Hi I'm billie and I have a fetish for Stockings, it has been over 6 months since I didn't wear stockings or tights during the day and at night...."
    There! happy! I admitted it!
    (to anyone that regularly read our blog you already know I have a stocking fetish, and Madam know that and while it is one of her requirements for me to always wear hosiery of some type, that is one of the easiest requirements for me to comply with, and Poppet does like to tease me - don't you dear!)

    P - you are such a shameless tart, you will be an HR department nightmare if you were to get carried away with yourself at work!

    billie xxx


Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

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