31 August 2022

A refreshing week and questioned by Sir

 The bank holiday here in the UK has come and gone and we are all back home .

I returned home on Monday at about 2 pm and started to get ready for Madam and Sir to return, with preparing the evening meal.  while they were expected back at 5 pm, due to the weekend traffic they didn't get back until nearer 7 pm.  But I was waiting for them when they arrived in my French maids uniform and a chilled glass of wine from them both.

Once they were in and relaxed I collected the bags from the car and took them up to Madam's room.  I would unpack them on Tuesday and sort out all of the laundry from the bags.

It sounded as if they had a very good time while away with some trips out sight seeing and some time just relaxing.  

With dinner ready I started to serve and as I worked around the dining table Madam asked about my weekend and how Mistress Carol and Kerri were.  There was a lot of general chat about each of our respective trips and it was good to see that the holiday had done what Madam had needed -  recharged her batteries.

We have all been busy over the lock down, both with our respective "Real Life Jobs" and also with our home life.  and over there the last 6 months things have been busy on all fronts for all three of us. (I'll post more on that in a separate post).

As Sir and Madam were finishing dinner and I started to clear the plates away Sir announced that he wanted me to provide him a set of my measurements:

neck size
chest size
waist size
hips size
Distance across the shoulders
From neck to belly button
belly button to my chastity

It appears that while they were away they saw an outfit that they thought would suit me and that Sir had an idea that it could be made by the woman that had maid my maids outfits and the sleep suits.  

No more details on the outfit were given and I knew better than to enquire further.

So yesterday it was out with the tape measure and the measurements were then emailed across to Sir.

Part of me wonders what will be appearing soon......


  1. That sounds exciting billy, a new outfit. Please do share a picture of you in it when it arrives. Glad your weekend went well.


    1. P,
      I have no idea what is planned but once I know I'll share the information with you folks, especially you P, don't worry on that score!
      billie xxx

  2. Its good to see you guys blogging again

    1. Thanks, it's taken some time to get our confidence back and the hope is to increase the posts over time. keep looking in on us, it is very much appreciated.
      billie xxx


Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

 Morning Everyone, I'm home alone at the moment as Madam has been away with work for a few days and it has involved her being up north l...