28 November 2023

Why Do I Hate my Husband? - Fake News!

 From Madam Alice

The title of this post may well have caught your eye, it comes from several emails and Direct Messages that we get via the blog site or other social media sites/ profiles.  Both billie and myself enjoy getting comments and feed back from the posts that we create and as for some of the emails they help to spark my imagination when I think up plans for some of our activities that we do, which in turn helps to create the posts that we write - no we don't do requests.

Quite a few of the emails will come with a question or with something that an individual wants to ask but doesn't want to put into the open forum or comments, and that is fine by us.  We may choose to answer back by email or DM, or as in this case create a blog post with the answer. 

A question that appears quite regularly is about the state of our Marriage and if I am punishing billie for being a bad husband/ misogynist/ wife beater/ adulterer etc.

The simple answer is NO, I am not punishing billie. He has never done anything wrong to me, except perhaps try too hard to please me.  I could not ask for a better husband, partner and lover.

He has never raised his fist against me and only on a very rare occasion has he raised his voice- and when he does it is normally with good cause, in that respect he is very good at being my conscience when I'm about to do something that I might regret.

To the very best of my knowledge he has not been unfaithful to me - now that may sound really strange considering the relationship that we have with John, Carol and kerri, but if you follow the blog you know that all of these relationships involve both of us, together.

So, there is no punishment in the relationship.  Yes we do spanking and a bit of whipping and paddling, but that is consensual between both of us, it is a kink.

Our whole FLR is a mix of kink, consensual empowerment, consensual submission, a formal structure to help protect my husband from his destructive self and most important to ensure that we have strong relationship.  It works for us and as such we both contribute into it and feed from it.

If billie came to me and said he wanted this to stop then it would stop because it cannot work without both of us being willing partners to this.  And that is the important part, if I was punishing billie and forcing him to be the submissive, forcing the humiliations on him then it simply would not be a FLR - a Female Lead Relationship.  I would not be leading, I would be forcing, and it would not be a real relationship.

The real headline is that I don't hate my husband, I love him so very much and he is my equal and partner.  My Dominance is balanced by his submission.

Hopefully that answers the question.



  1. Alice - questions like that show how little some people understand the whole concept of FLR or Femdom. i suspect they are just people (almost certainly men) who have a problem with independent, strong, dominant women and the partners who adore them.

    You relationship is unique to you but also an inspiration to others. You have created something amazing and beautiful and the love you have for billie, that he has for you and the joy you both find through John (and he through you both) is clear for all to see.

    As a certain pop queen once said ' haters gonna hate'.


    1. Poppet,
      while I think there is an element of truth to what you say, quite a few of the comments come from those that appear to want to consider the possibility of developing the FLR inside their own relationships, but there are certainly those that just want to look at our relationship as something more manipulative.

      That said quite often it is the question from females who seem to think that billie deserves to be punished because he is male and he must have done something wrong in our normal non FLR marraige, sorry ladies but the things that get billie punished are getting ladders in his stockings and being tardy with his domestic duties. (he has had 20 minutes in the corner this evening for laddering 2 stockings this week!)

      Thank you for for your kind words about our relationship, it is different, and "amazing" is a good way to describe it, but mostly that is down to having someone as special as billie/ mick.

      Everything works for us and we will continue to have fun in our relationship and making our FLR work. Just as your FLR with the very special Lady in your life seems to work rather well for you. Please pass on my best wishes to your Owner.

      Kind Regards
      Alice (Madam)

  2. what are ladder's?

    1. A ladder is a rip or tear in the stockings or tights, mainly because it often creates a ladder type of effect. It is one of the reasons why I keep my finger nails short as I spent a period of time when I had longer nails and ruined several pairs of good quality stockings while I was putting them on and caused ladders due to my nails.


Ups and downs...flashes and bangs!

This isn't the originally planned blog post that I had hoped to post this week but I thought that I needed to get something out this wee...