09 March 2023

A change of plans for the Weekend - Part 1

 From Madam Alice:

In the run up to last weekend I had been developing a plan for what I wanted to do with my Darling Submissive Husband, for the next 3 weeks he has a number of punishments and tasks to undertake.

Has he been bad? well not really, they are more of a set of forfeits for something that he did. Now his main punishment will come at the end of the month at the hands (and possibly the crop of kerri) but in the interim I plan to set a few tasks and challenges (and punishments) for billie.

Last Wednesday I started to plan out what I wanted to do with the weekend. There would be tasks to do on Friday night that would humiliate him and I also planned to defer some of his Thursday review punishments to the Friday night with the possibility that John would deliver them on my behalf.

Saturday would be a shopping trip and billie would be off to get some items that I would specify and then back to spend the bulk of the day and evening in his short maids uniform.

Unfortunately things didn't quite go to my plan.

Our Friday evening was disrupted with a number of phone calls, which we ignored upto a point and when I answered, it was from my Sister requesting (almost demanding) that we travel up to Leicester for a "family" meeting. Apparently there is a problem with the marriage of our niece, Ellie, to her fiancé - David, or to be mores specific the problem is that we - myself and my husband had endorsed this marriage. You would think that this was the 1820s not the 2020s!. There was quite a bit of heated discussion on the phone. So much so that both John and billie stopped what they were doing and appeared in the door of the study to check that I was alright.

Needless to say, that curtailed the evening activities somewhat, I had ended the call by saying that we would travel up and take part in this family discussion.

By the time I came back into the living room, the boys had stopped playing and I was handed a Gin and tonic to settle myself down. I was not best pleased, both with the phone call and also with the fact that my plans for the weekend were now going to be shelved.

I have to say the boys were very good and they helped me calm back down, strangely enough by getting me all very worked up, but in a very nice way. My husband on his knees using his tongue on me and my Boyfriend kissing me and playing with my breasts, very nice being the sole focus of attention.

Calming down is probably the wrong term, diverting my attention is probably the better way to describe it.

The two of them continued to keep me as the focus of their attention for the evening and I was very grateful and I'm a very lucky woman.

Saturday morning saw us making preparations for our unexpected trip. Normally we would stay at my Mother's when visiting family but I still had some anger and I asked Mick to try and find a hotel or B&B for us to stay at. I felt that it would be better that we turn up, have our say and then go somewhere we weren't with the family. While Mick made arrangements I contacted Ellie and had a quick call with her. She was aware that the "adults" as she termed us were being called in to discuss things. It appeared that Ellie and David were not invited to this discussion. So I made arrangements that we would come over on Sunday to be with the two of them, which they sounded like they were really pleased to host us for Sunday lunch.

I was determined that I would not have the weekend a total waste of my plans, so I told Mick to make sure that he was wearing lingerie under his male clothes and to pack appropriate clothes for the hotel as I wanted billie to be with me for the night.

So with bags packed we headed north up the M1 for Leicester. As we drove North I mentioned to Mick that I wanted to make a stop at Marks and Spencers before we got to my sisters. I suspected that we would have plenty of time for the discussion/ argument that would occur once we arrived at my sister's house.

My plan for our shopping stop was very simple, billie's last post about his knicker drawer drew several comments, particularly from Poppet and SaraE that there was a lack of colour variety in his drawers. And I fully agree, the gurls are quite correct, my husband's lingerie is predominately black, so we would do something to change that.

Once we had parked up I explained to billie what I wanted him to do. He was to go and look for a pink bra to match his pink panties, he was then to go and look for pair of red knickers. Once he had them he would be required to try and find a member of staff and ask if they could help him find a bra to match the panties that he had selected. He was told to select knickers that were not part of a set.

billie was also told that if the staff member asked what size was required then he was to make it clear that the bra was for him. billie would be shopping on his own and although I would be near he was to ignore me completely until I got back to the car. I would be close enough to hear him talk to the staff and if he didn't follow the instructions I would punish him.

It was interesting to watch my husband perusing all of the lingerie, he has shopped for his and my lingerie so regularly that he isn't bothered by it, he can be quite brazen with it.  

As I wandered about the lingerie section looking at some of the bra and knicker sets I watched billie looking over the Bra sets and select a pink bra and then move onto the knickers and select a very nice bright red pair. I noticed that there was a matching bra next to the knickers but billie ignored them and then went to the hosiery section. He selected a pack of tights and hold ups and then went to the bra section.

Bold as brass he spotted a member of staff and went up to her, I tried to keep up without being obvious that I wanted to eaves drop, just in time to hear this -

"excuse me, do you have any full cup red bras that would go with these knickers?"

"Yes, there are some that are part of same range as those Sir."

"Yes I've seen those but they aren't a full cup style, so I'm looking for an alternative that is a good match."

"we have some over here, what size are you looking for?"

"I take a 38B, if you have it."

I must say a well done to the woman, as she took that statement in her stride and followed it up with a "are you sure you are a 38B? you look like you are probably a 40 or bigger?"

I tried not to burst out laughing but billie took it in his stride and for the next 5 minutes he explained that she was correct but the 38B gave him a secure fit. They chatted and he even explained that that his wife wanted him to have more colour in his lingerie collection. I'm not sure if this is the way that he is like when he normally goes lingerie shopping or if he has been taking lessons from Poppet Sub Slut on being a bit of a public exhibitionist! Fair play to my husband he completed his task and completed it well!

with purchases packed in his bag and back in the car we headed on to the family show down.

billie's purchases

I'm going to condense this next bit down a bit, when we got to my sister's, the main players were there, my sister, her husband and my mother. The welcome was a bit tense apart from my mum who was as friendly as she always is.

It was made clear that my sister was not happy about Ellie wanting to marry David. She didn't like him and made it clear that she considered it a mistake. The other thing that seems to have annoyed her is that we had been present when the engagement had happened.

While I explained that we hadn't known about the plan for the couple to get engaged, I was careful not to mention about David asking us for permission to marry Ellie, I thought that this may have been a bit of information that may have upset my sister even more. 

There was times when the discussion got very heated, my mother was very good as she tried to be a voice of balance. My brother in law, who we had believed to be the one with the problem with David actually turned out to be simply supporting his wife.

So what of my dear husband, well he sat quiet and didn't contribute?  I was getting rather annoyed that he wasn't coming in to help or back me up.  His arse would know my displeasure later at the hotel!  However I was wrong, it appears that my husband wasn't  helping he was just listening and waiting.

The voice I heard speak was Mick, not billie...

"So what's the real reason that you don't like David? whats your problem with the lad?"

My Sister made a rather big mistake with her next comment of "You stay out of this Mick, this is our family business..."

Now Mick swears, quite a bit when he is at work, but when with the family it is very rare, especially when my Mother is around.  Unfortunately my sister had poked the bear and it appears that it had woken up and had it's claws out. please excuse me as this is not 100% accurate but it is as close as I can remember it but the reply was along the lines of this

"Oh you are F**king so F**king right I'm not part of this family, I'm only the F**king incomer to it, but I'd F**king say that I've bought a f**king place at the F**king family table.  Especially as I'm f**k sat in the house that I paid off the F**king mortgage on while you were having your F**king cancer treatment, making sure you fucking didn't have any money worries when you came out of Hospital."

"Or that I took a F**king job away from home to cover the bills of us looking after your daughters while you were ill!"

"Or that I f**king went to Aberdeen to save your f**king marriage, because you had driven him (my brother in law) away by F**king not telling him you were ill with cancer, you had made the poor bastard's life hell, he thought he was at f**king fault for the way you were unhappy!"

"Or the fact that I f**king put my business on hold for 6 weeks last year to come to f**king Leicester to look after your mother, when you live 2 miles away and didn't bother coming over to help, But your Girls and David did!. SO WHATS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM WITH THE LAD!"

I must say I was rather impressed to watch Angry Mick in action, I was very proud of my husband (I'm always proud of him).  Mick had cut through all the arguments and everyone looked at him and then we all looked at my sister and she simply blurted out "My daughter is a lawyer and he's only a warehouse worker, he's not good enough for Ellie!"

"You f**king snob! I started out as a labourer on a building site, Alice was a Office assistant when I married her! For your information David worked in a warehouse before he went to Uni! He continued working part time at the warehouse during his course to cover his living costs, He has a degree in Logistics management, he have a very small student debt, he now has a job as a Logistics Manager with a Major UK Company and has a better wage than Ellie!  I strongly suggest you get your facts right and F**king get over your F**king problem with the Lad!"

I want to give a couple of observations, when Mick is in full flow he is very good and his use of profanity is very effective, I think that we can safely say that Mick likes David, and I also liked the way he kept referring to David as "the Lad".

Mick then turned to me and said in a quieter voice "Right then Dear, I think we're done here. Shall we go?"

I must say, that was an ideal way to end the discussion/ argument.  We left the house and drove to the hotel, Mick apologised in the car for swearing in front of my Mother, I did point out he did a bit more than just swear, it was more of a tirade of swearing.

We got to the hotel, dropped our bags and went and had a drink in the pub next door.  I'd say that Mick earned his Whisky (which he did ask me if he could be allowed to have a drink.)

Once we had a another drink each Mick made the comment that he wondered what they would think if they knew he had just ranted at them while wearing a chastity cage, stockings and lingerie under his male clothes?  The idea of that made both of us laugh at the thought!

I'll draw a close here as this has taken longer that I had hoped but there is more to tell of our weekend in Leicester, I'll finish writing up Part 2 in the next day or so, as our day with Ellie and David was quite interesting for billie. 

1 comment:

  1. Madam Alice - first off kudos to billie for the lingerie shop, it sounds as though it was handled with aplomb. One thing i have noticed, and i suspect billie has to, is that most people don't ever actually bat an eyelid when we are making exhibitions of ourselves. However, that said, well done to the sales assistant to for treating all her customers with courtesy and respect. i look forward to seeing the new ensemble on billie in due course, it will make a nice change from black.

    As for the showdown, i love the idea of Mick in full rant with you but nobody else knowing that he is giving out a bollocking in his finest under garments. It would be fun though if they knew too, i am delighted for Ellie and David that you defended them both as you did, they truly are both lucky having relatives and future in-laws like you two, i also can't help but imagine a second family chat, this time with David's folks going on about how their son has been emasculated by his wife and has become so submissive to her, even to the extent that she now has him in chastity. Now, that would be a fun 'discussion' to witness:)

    Looking forward to part 2.



Changes and Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

 From Madam Alice: I know that I have not written for a bit of time but that is due to a number of things, mainly as Blogger still has restr...