24 November 2020

This week I will be mainly wearing....

For those that don't know Fast Show, then you are missing real treat, and one should not do without Jesse's fashion and diet tips!

But as stated I am mainly going without pants and knickers this week, not as a matter of choice but as a requirement from Madam.  Having now passed the 150 days in chastity and with the level of teasing from Madam I would probably be going through 1 to 2 pairs of knickers each day at the moment. but as it is without the wearing of knickers my laundry duties are quite high at the moment with skirts and dresses needing to be cleaned due to my drip issues.

I have at least another 8 days to go before I'll be getting any relief or respite from my current penetration ban.  I have to admit that the level of built up frustration is bloody horrible.  The question is that is this something that we (Madam and I) have created?  Is this something that has come from the regular use of toys and being fucked by Madam and Sir.

Over the years I've come to really enjoy my submission and linked with that my willingness (need?) to be submissively bisexual.  It was asked if I considered myself straight, gay or bisexual, after thinking about it and discussing the topic, it isn't a clear answer.  I get turned on by being submissive, there are additional elements that go with that such as humiliation, shaming and submitting sexually all have a part to play in that.  I would only consider myself bisexual when being submissive.  

Take for example, with Kerri, she is a friend and we can very much say my girlfriend, but only in the context of me being billie.  As Mick wouldn't see myself in that role with her.  I've been out as Mick with Kevin (kerri's male alter-ego) and we are good mates and can go out for a pint and a catch up (even if he is a bloody lager drinker!) but there is no inclination to go back with him.  I've even been out as Mick with kerri, again it doesn't work with the dynamic of her being my girlfriend because she isn't - she is billie's girlfriend (and occasional Dominant Goth Mistress).  

So it is a interesting thing to see develop, as I'm pretty much spending most days at  the moment as billie, my bi-sexual frustrations are building massively, where as previously when I've done this time in chastity I've chopped and changed with being Mick for significant chunks of time as I have been billie.  This chastity period I would say has been probably almost 90% of the time in submissive and billie role.   And perhaps that is why things are slightly different this time?

So there you have my view of why I'm almost having to hand wash my maids dress daily because billie the drippy tart is very frustrated with things and is very much looking forward to 8 days time!


  1. Thank you Billie for the update on your maddening frustration. How clever is "the evil Queen" to impose such a effective means of further denial and humiliation. Even more clever,that when relieve is granted it will be only from penetration and not by you!

    I of course am green with envy. How I wish I had continued with my Mistress of long ago, I would I'm sure, be in a similar position that you enjoy and I mean enjoy. Long ago I would never have believed I would crave being fucked for Madame's pleasure but see now that is the culmination of submission and humiliation. Madame alway hinted that that would be my fate but I was horrified then but see now that's the way it should be. Not homosextual, not even bisexual but submissively humiliated!

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      it has indeed been a frustrating couple of months, and Madam does like to Play the role of the "Evil Queen" from time to time.
      I've also come to enjoy (and sort of crave) my chastity frustrations and that I would be the one to be penetrated and not the other way round.
      I'd definately say that my sexuality is Sissy Cuckold (definintion - Submissively humiliated)

      billie xxx

  2. Hi billie - it was great to see a reference to Jesse, how i used to love the 'fast show', although my favourite sketch was the artist for whom everything was black, oh and Swiss Toni.

    On to more serious matters though. Maybe it is just that, at heart, you are a cock loving slut and billie let's you embrace your true self? There's no shame in that :)

    Enjoy your december stuffing when it cums


    1. P,

      your right, Madam recognised the need for me to allow my submissive self to be expressed and being billie is a great release from the Stress that came from being Mick. and after last night there is no way that I can say that I'm a cock loving slut!

      billie xxx

    2. Also, I really love the fast show - can't beat the 13th Duke of Wimburne and Rowley Burkin QC!

      billie xxx


Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

 Morning Everyone, I'm home alone at the moment as Madam has been away with work for a few days and it has involved her being up north l...