02 October 2020

Back into a routine.

 Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

it's been a while since we have blogged properly and we have had a few things going on, some good and some not so good.

so lets get the rubbish bit done - I've been using a lot of my free blogging time dealing with hunting down and deleting Spam comments and problems that we have had with the blog and this has at times been quite demoralising the worst that we had was 50 spam posts in a day and not only does that clog the blog page it also clogs up the emails.  I am getting on top of it but it is a pain and consumes a lot of time.

The other think that has been causing an issue and consuming time has been a increase in work that relates to doing training and assessing via on line.  now this is an area of work that normally I enjoy but with everyone's rush to have training delivered on line has meant that quite a lot of Organisations want me to deliver training but don't quite understand the way the training has to be delivered.  so I've had a lot of work explaining things to the Organisations and Colleges how to deliver the training.  

However it hasn't just been all work, we have been able to get back into our normal routine.

Our neice has now fully moved into her new home and started work and we have the house back.  After moving the last of her belongings from storage and having taken the hire van back myself and Madam returned home and collapsed down on the living room settee. After about 5 minutes just sat gathering ourselves Madam made the announcement - "Right go to your room, get undressed, put on some heels - and nothing else and make me a cup of Tea!" 

off I went and by the time Madam reappeared she was just in a pair of heels with stockings and a suspender belt.  we spent the rest of the evening in that state of undress.  As Madam put it, "guests don't realise how much of an disruption it is when you have to refrain from receiving oral sex in your own lounge", which I thought was an interesting way of putting it!

The back log of lingerie washing has been dealt with, and I'm very much back in my Maids room and the Morning Routine is back in place with me bringing Madam her morning coffee and waking her with my tongue.

The mornings are pretty much my domestic chores and the afternoons have me down in the office - Ms Watson is not really in attendance as my afternoon is pretty much filled with Skype/ Teams/ Zoom meetings and that is a real hassle as everything is now a bloody meeting on line, where as in the past it would be a email, phone call or go out and visit the client.  it is just too easy to "have a meeting!" so as a rule it's a case of wearing my lingerie, a coloured blouse with tie, my jacket and a pair of chinos.  I can get away with heels but thats about it.  Madam is toying with the idea of a woman's trouser suit but she's not found one that she thinks would work for me.  Its an interesting idea though, Madam has always been keen on the idea of getting a skirt and jacket suit for office wear, this may just be the evolution of it.

Madam has been working from home, generally one or two days a week. normally the days she would have gone into London, Its really nice having her at home (and fun when we don't have part time lodgers). but it also allows me to serve he a little bit more formally during the day.

John has restarted coming round as the regular house guest rather than as a friend popping over to catch up with Alice and Mick.  so things are starting to begin again on that front.

overall we are all well.  All three of us are busy but getting our routine back on track.  hopefully I can keep on top of the Spam issues and get back to some sort of regular blogging.

One last point, we've had several emails, mixed in with the spam emails, hopefully we have responded to everyone that emailed via the Blog.  We do try and answer all of the emails, even the critical ones, if we have missed you please try and gain and we'll aim to get a responce to you either by return email or via a post here on the blog.


  1. Hi billie - lovely to read that your life is now returning to normal at home, i know what you mean about the tyrany of zoom meetings, one of our directors also seemed to discover 'Facetime' over the summer and so i also had random video calls to deal with which led to a reduction in my wearing pretty clothes. However, i am resolved to get back to normal when i return to work from our hols next week, i may just have to disable the video at times.

    Sorry you are still getting plagued by spam, is it originating from just the one source? In the past i noticed that blogs i followed which had 'gone quiet' for some time would suddenly reappear as spam and start generating random crap but unfollowing them solved the issue.

    Take care and regards to Madam Alice and John.


    1. Morning P,
      we've covered over the cameras on our computers, so even if we accidently turn on the video it's still won't show anything. But it seems to be that everything needs to be "Online".

      Hopefully we are getting on top of the Spam.

      well time to get on and get Breakfast started for Madam and Sir, it looks like the weather today will make it a inside day.

      billie xxxx


Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

 Morning Everyone, I'm home alone at the moment as Madam has been away with work for a few days and it has involved her being up north l...