23 July 2020

Chastity - why do that to yourself?

I've managed to get time in the office again and with a bit of spare time I thought that I'd respond to a question but publish it to everyone as it raised a valid point.

"Why do you accept or tolerate being made to wear a cock cage at all, let a lone for long periods?"

Firstly I'm a willing participant in this activity of chastity wear, yes the control and the period of being caged is not in my remit but I willing wear the cage.  So while there is a "forced" aspect it isn't something that I'm against.

I tolerate it as it, while it is frustrating at quite a few times, it does allow me to quite focused in the relationship that I have with my Wife.  you'll notice I haven't used Mistress or Madam, this is all about the relationship in our marriage.  When we realised that our arguing and clashes in the relationship were borne out of the induced stresses and frustrations being applied from outside for both Alice and myself, we had a good sit down and a very brutal and honest chat.

I was working like hell, running multiple projects, almost constantly travelling and effectively running on next to no sleep.  While the mental stresses were high they also came with physical stresses and the ability to make love and have sex with Alice was just a big struggle.  Added to which this would then be compounded by being top dog at work and trying to let that go when I did eventually get home. all a bit of a car crash.

This created frustrations with Alice, she wanted to take the options that were being offered through her work, she wanted challenges from her work and she was frustrated both sexually and by me and my work.

The mental meltdown made things change.

Our early sex life was full, varied and definitely not boring.  As part of my recovery we were advised to reinvigorate our sex lives by getting back to being intimate with each other, but the physical stresses made it difficult for me and so we found that if I abstained for a week and did more Oral on Alice in the interim we could get things to work.

With Alice taking control and the start of the FLR we found our actual natural places.  Alice as the Dominant and me as the submissive, but still very much a loving couple, and that has been the strengthener in the marriage.

The friendship and relationship with Carole and Kerri has also helped to improve things for us both.  it was a journey and it would take us both on the trip.  The developing the Bisexual side of both of us was not expected and to be honest it has been a real help, now whether that has been due to accepting bisexuality or the actual relationships that we developed with Carole and Kerri - I would say that it was the latter, but others may take a different view.

My focus in life is always Alice, its why I pushed myself probably beyond where I should have (I was earning to look after Alice, her sister and her 2 girls, our nieces, at that point in time), so I continued that and once into the submissive role in the FLR it allowed me to focus purely on the woman that I love.

Now I wasn't completely knackered downstairs, it does work and as I recovered I found that erections and recovery times got better but it wasn't back to what it had been.  Added to that I was never that well hung.  I did sense that Alice was missing out and was very frustrated and while my efforts at sex were OK at best I did need to supplement things either orally or with toys.  As my libido diminished I could sense Alice's increased.

The move in jobs and location allowed Alice to have a new start and we discussed to potential for Alice to relieve some of her frustrations with perhaps an affair or one night stand.  Carole had discussed cuckolding and at this point we were open to the idea.  So Alice started work using her maiden name and settled into her new job.  After a while she would be invited out for a girls night out and had the occasional one night stand.  I would say that sort of helped but as she put it she wanted something more regular but with less risks - something where all parties knew about each other and that things were being done with consent.

At about this time, 2005, we started experimenting with chastity devices when we purchased a CB2000.  this was a device that wasn't really for long term wear and was more of a wear for a day or 2 at a time but Alice found that by getting me to wear it when she went out for a night with the girls or to meet someone has a significant effect on me when she returned.

we also found that by putting me in the cage a few days before and then teasing upto and beyond going out had a real positive effect on me sexually.

So chastity has a really good impact or our sex lives.

the next thing about it was once she had a regular boyfriend I would find myself in chastity on a more regular basis.  We had progressed to trying different cages at this point and the CB6000 and 6000s seemed to work for longer or more regular wear.

Alice spotted that there was something missing (I hadn't noticed but she was right - possibly Carole may have pointed it out, I'm not sure) and that was that with the FLR developing and becoming stronger I should be more active in the cuckolding.  Looking back it was totally right, Alice wasn't pushing me out quite the opposite but her Boyfriend at the time was not keen on having me involved or around when he was with her.  But when she came back she was all over me, and the frustrations of the chastity allowed both of us to really enjoy each other sexually and emotionally - that may seem strange but it really was the case.yup

That relationship came to a natural close when the boyfriend had to move due to a job offer oversees.  Alice and I had a good chat about what we wanted with going forward.  We both wanted Alice to have a physical relationship, her sex drive had really picked up, and I wanted her to have it and also to deepen the FLR relationship, her one condition was that she wanted the cuckolding to be more inclusive, to have me involved and to be honest that is what I wanted as well.

Eventually we found John, Dating sites do let you find the right people (but it did mean that we found a wrong one along the way as well, but thankfully we managed to extract ourselves from that relationship at the very early stages!).

John had been with a swinging couple before meeting us where the husband was more of a cuckold "stag", someone whole liked to watch his wife with someone else, so we were not a big surprise to him.  we explained our relationship, the FLR, the cuckolding and the use of chastity and what it did for Alice and for me.  The Dominance and Submission aspect was different for him and he was intrigued by that and the chastity.  Lots of questions - sensible questions - chats with Alice and with me, both together and separately.  he went and did some research and once he was happy and we were happy he agreed to having a relationship which involved all of us.

With that he set rules and the wearing of chastity would become a significant part of that relationship.

I agreed to this, not because I was ordered to do it, but because we had a discussion, Alice explained what she wanted from John and from me, John explained what he wanted and why, and that's the important part - there was reason for it, and I discussed what I wanted out of it and we all found common ground to allow things to develop and develop they have.

so after a long post here are my reason why I choose to wear a Chasity cage

1. It allows me to indicate that I am the submissive in the relationship.
2. It shows that I am focused on the needs of my wife before myself.
3. It makes me want to please my wife.
4. while it does create frustrations it means that  can channel those towards working in our relationship.
5. I really like the change in the power dynamic in our relationship and chastity add to that.
6. It allows me to show to both Alice and John that I'm not competing with them as an Alpha.
7. By locking my penis away, means that I no long get worried about my ability to satisfy my wife in that way, this used to stress me, now that stress doesn't occur as I know I can use my other skills to satisfy her in other ways, and that creates a positive feeling.

There is a lot more that I could add but I do enjoy being locked in my cage, and truth be told both Alice and I are more sexually satisfied and active that were before we started using chastity in the FLR and Cuckolding in our Marriage.

I won't say it will work for everyone but it works for me and it works for us - Alice and me.

I hope that this explains or answers things, or maybe it poses more questions either way discussion is good and I'm sure I'll chat about chastity again.

keep safe everyone

billie xxx

22 July 2020

An interestng week.

Afternoon everyone, I've managed to get down to the office to do some updates on what we have been upto while we have a guest staying with us.

While our niece is staying at our house we've been keeping a low profile in our FLR and our activities with John, however we have found some ways round things.

Madam has had to "work late" a couple of evenings, and these have actually been evenings that she has spent over with John at his house, normally coming home about 10pm.

Also Madam and myself have been invited over to John's house last Wednesday for a catch up and a meal and I can honest there was not a lot of food consumed during our evening over at Sir's.

We were also invited over on Sunday for a BBQ, the result was that we went over at 11am and we were back home for 9 pm.  Did we have any burnt sausages? fraid not, we spent the day allowing Madam and Sir to have some time together with me in service to both of them, so we have found ways to get round things.

so what has been happening in particular?

well I've been sleeping in Madam's bedroom but not always in the bed.  on some evenings I sleep on a camping mattress on the floor next to Madam, not all the time, sometimes Madam does have me in her bed next to her often when she wants a bit of strap on fun, and tells me to keep the noise down!

while I'm sleeping in the room I have been wearing stockings and suspenders with a chemis or tights and the sleep suit.  Madam is quite insistent that I will always have something feminine on at all times.

during the day I'm wearing panties, stockings and suspenders (occasionally hold ups) but with socks so that they aren't noticed by our niece.  When we have been over at Sir's place there is now a bag with a few more items for me to wear when I arrive.

On Sunday we all had a sit down and a chat (Madam, Sir and myself) to discuss what our plans will be for the coming months.  The fall out from that is the following:

   1.   I will remain in chastity until the Christmas period.
   2.  The spare key to my chastity will now be kept by Sir, either at his office or at his home. (I am to take the key over to Sir's house tomorrow evening)
   3.  Madam's key to my chastity will be kept by her at her work, I am to remind her once a week to bring it home to allow unlocking for cleaning and shaving. (I was shave last night and the key is now at her workplace.)
   4.  I am to purchase 4 different see through baby dolls/ negligees for sleeping in to supplement my current sleeping wear.
   5.  Come the Autumn I am to mainly wear foundation wear when at home and when away with work.  I am to look at identifying matching sets and gain Madam's approval prior to purchase.  this is to be done before August with all purchases made ready for 1 September.
   6.  While holidays are still restricted, I should plan for Sir to take Madam away for a 4 day break and for me to spend 4 days with Kerri as her submissive.  I must put together a plan for both breaks by the end of September (COVID restrictions pending).

To be honest the changes with the Key to my Chastity are not a surprise and we have spoken about them before, as for the purchase of the lingerie, well I suspect that this Madam angling for some new items herself as well.

As for spending a few days with Kerri that is always a treat for me and to be honest she does like taking the Dominant role with me and I really enjoy being her submissive as well, the difference is that when it is a deliberate Dom/ sub session, Mistress Kerri likes to fully immerse herself, and it normally starts with her travelling to whatever the location will be as Kerri the Goth and her dark side just takes over from there - I can't wait to be honest!

So there you have it, things are still happening but in a subdued type of way.  Hopefully our lovely house guest will be able to move to her new place very shortly and we can get back to our (FLR) Normal routine.

keep safe everyone!

billie xxx

14 July 2020

We're still here, just hiding in plain sight.

Afternoon everyone,

just a bit of an update on why things have been a bit quiet - we have a guest.

Everything is good and we (Madam, Sir and myself) are all in good health and doing fine.  what has happened is that we currently have a temporary visitor with us - one of our nieces.

She was in the process of moving from Bristol back to a new house in Leicester when lock down started.  Luckily her new job is being held for her but with Leicester going back into local lockdown she can't get access to her new place, so we are currently playing host to her.

My room is very much locked securely at the moment and I'm sleeping in Madam's room - for the sake of appearances - and there is limited dressing, lingerie only at the moment.

The Chastity is still in place and frustrating the hell out of me, especially as Madam is taking every opportunity to tease the hell out of me.

Madam has had to "work late" on a few evenings over the last week - heading over to Sir's house for a few hours and then back home in time for a late dinner with me and our niece.

Not to worry, we haven't disappeared, it is just that we are just keeping things very low profile.

Please bear with us, normal kinky service will resume shortly.......

Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

 Morning Everyone, I'm home alone at the moment as Madam has been away with work for a few days and it has involved her being up north l...