24 October 2019

Another Milestone achieved and an open discussion with Madam.

Well I've passed the 180 days in chastity milestone this week.

On Tuesday evening I sat down with Madam for evening meal, she invited me to eat with her and we had an evening of chatting about things, it was very relaxed and we enjoyed a bottle of Red between us.

Madam asked me how I was coping with the chastity and also with the way things were going with life, the FLR and myself.  Now this isn't an unusual occurrence between Madam and I, this is Alice doing a health check on her husband.

we were both open and honest with each other, which you have to be and there has been times during these types of chats when I've had to be very frank and honest about my feelings, my emotions and how things have developed or how I perceive things may develop.  Our chat on Tuesday was just fine and there wasn't any worries or concerns

On my chastity - I'm fine with the confinement and the duration, especially as there are outlets for my frustrations, truth be told I am probably mores sexually active and intimate with Madam (and Sir) while in chastity than when out of it.  so all good on that point.

On the sexual use with John - again I'm fine with this and do actually get turned on by it and enjoy it, yes he can be forceful, but always within bounds and also he isn't nasty or mean with it.  He get the relationship of the FLR, the Sub and Dom aspect and added to which we both get on in normal life.  I pointed out to Madam that there was probably a bigger shift in the relationship of now having a Straight Alpha that is more comfortable with bi activities.

On Madam going on holiday - again I'm fine with that as she is going with John but I was disappointed that kerri wasn't available to visit but that is real life and work.

From Madam:

My chastity will continue until Christmas.  Madam wants me to prepare for long term chastity wear going forward.

My bi sexual submission, Madam explained that she was really pleased about the way that I felt and that I was getting sexual enjoyment and turn on from the chastity, submission and being used by her and Sir.  she really enjoys watching me submit to John and also is turned on when she receives oral from me or fucks me with her strap-ons.

My feminisation, this will continue at a slow steady pace.  no big changes but the big change will happen when I move towards retirement.  so selective shaving of hair, more female outfits and clothes, underwear must be female unless permission given by Madam.  I should view my self as house wife, maid and secretary and make more effort to use female and sissy terms for myself.  She still wants me as Mick from time to time, both as her husband and sexual partner, but billie is now the default.

we chatted about a lot of things, none of these things were surprises and none of it scared me, this was a road that we both needed to travel and I'm happy to walk down it holding the hand of my wife and lover.  Our relationship is very secure but I'm sure that it's just different from the "normal".  but it works for us.

so with a bottle of red empty and some good honest talk, Madam told me to change into something naughty for bed and go up and wait for her.  Well I didn't wait too long and my Mistress complemented me on being her slutty wife and took out one of her strap-ons so that she could fuck me into full submission.  Once she was content we settled down to making love to each other and finally we fell asleep together.  We've been married for a long time and it is moments like this that let you know that you still love each other - I know it's all very soppy but hey it's our marriage and it's what makes it work!

Billie xxx

(just to be clear I was in my cage at all times)

19 October 2019

Understanding our Blog, our readers and a Thank You

Having had a bit of time this morning, Madam and Sir didn't get back until late and are having a late start, I thought that I'd do some work on the blog pages.

Having spotted the "stats" button in the Blogger page I thought I'd have a look and see what it's purpose was.

it's interesting in that it shows where the readers of the blog are from and more importantly how they got to the blog.  By that it means to explain what websites refer people to the blog.  While google seems to be the main reference the second principle reference is from people finding the site from another blog  which is Poppet Sub Slut's Blog - www.poppetsubslut.blogspot.com

Poppet has been a big contributor to the comments on this blog and that interaction is a great support and encouragement to me working on this blog.  so a big thank you to Poppet for putting our blog on his blog side bar.  if you haven't been to Poppet's blog, please go and visit, it's a great FLR blog and he is a lovely person who always blogs some great stuff.

The other thing that has become clear is putting tags and labels on posts has also helps to allow the post to be found, so I'm now going to have to be more of these with each post.

so a big thank you to all of you for coming to see what we are up to, and your interest and support really do encourage us to keep blogging.


billie xxx

18 October 2019

An Update from billie

Well it's been business at usual here in our FLR, with Madam away last week I kept myself busy with my work - the exception being last Wednesday where I was at Master's house looking after his needs and requirements on behalf of Madam.

I didn't get home until 1am and I was rather worn out - tired and sore would be a way of putting it.  so last Thursday was a deliberately slow day for me...…

Madam was home on Friday evening and as usual I had missed her and as Madam stated in her post last night I was dressed and waiting for her.  While Madam did say that she was a bit rough with me I didn't see it that way, she was very Dominant and very specific about her needs and wants and I was more than happy to comply with her demands and instruction.

It is one of my best pleasures to bring Madam to orgasm and to do that several times last Friday was an amazing honour for me.  I was fortunate enough that once she was satisfied and I had bathed her that she told me to stay and sleep with her.  so I changed into one of my teddies and fresh stockings and cuddled in her until she fell asleep.

Sir came round on Saturday for the weekend and the main announcement was that the hotel that we would have been visiting in August was finally back open and while they had reimbursed the money for the cancelled visit they has offered a very good deal for a break, which Madam and Sir were going to accept.  So they would be going for a 4 day break at the hotel and Sir had managed to get a good package to Cape Verde for a week, so he and Madam would be getting some winter sun.

Madam called Mistress Carol to see if kerri would be free to look after me  for a week but unfortunately kerri has already been told by her work that she can get a long holiday until the new year.  The good news is however that everyone has agreed that both kerri and I will be allowed to go for a break somewhere in the new year.

We made the most of the reasonable weather on the Saturday but with the rain on Sunday, Sir and Madam spent the bulk of the day in bed with me in full submissive maid mode, serving drinks and food, cleaning Madam and Sir, being humiliated and generally being frustratingly happy to be their submissive cuckold.

On Monday I spent time in the office looking at my programme of works and seeing what I could deal with while Madam would be away.  I knew one of my clients wanted a project review carried out and another was looking for some consultancy advice for a future proposal so after a few calls these have been booked and arranged, so there will be a trip up to York and Newcastle on the cards, that will have me away for a couple of nights each so that will keep me busy while Madam is away.

We are approaching 180 days in chastity and to be honest I'm quite comfortable with the cage and my frustrations, I really do enjoy them, but that is mainly due to the fact that I am probably having more sex now that I did when uncaged.  the only difference is that I am in a different role.  I don't penetrate, I am the one that is penetrated and serves, The emotional and sexual feelings of being submissive to Madam is difficult to describe, but I know one thing that I wouldn't swap it for the world.

16 October 2019

An update from the Head of the Household

From Madam Alice:

Evening everyone,

I haven't posted a blog for a while and I thought that I had best put a few things out there on our blog.

Normally I would be spending Wednesday Evening's either over at John's house or having a Horse Riding Lesson, but the horse I normally ride is lame at the moment and resting and John is away with his work for 2 days.  So I'm here in the study tapping away while I have billie bring me Tea and Biscuits - at the moment I have a nice side plate with a Chocolate digestive, some shortbread and a  couple of  hobnobs, I'm afraid they won't be going back in the biscuit tin!

Last week I was away working down at Bristol at our offices down there.  I like being part of our assurance/ audit team as it gets me to see other parts of our company and it's really interesting to see how things are done.  However I did have hosiery envy for the week, as you may know I wear Stockings as part of my normal working dress, always have since I started work from leaving school and I've very rarely worn trousers for work either, so it has pretty much always been knee (or shorter)length skirt and stockings and suspenders.

Well one of the teams that I was asked to review was headed up by this very nice Asian lady, and boy did she have legs!  she wore Fishnets and while they aren't a particular favourite of mine she really suited them and she looked amazing.  Yes the bi sexual part of me did get slightly turned on by her, it would appear that it isn't just hubby who has a stocking fetish!.  it also wasn't helped that the 2 other girls in the team (mid twenties is my guess) where also wearing nylons.  I have no idea how the 3 male project mangers in the team managed to concentrate!

before I go any further I just want to say that nothing happened but it was an eye opener for me to be turned on like that.  when I got home on Friday evening Billie was told to be in FF Stockings and Basque and to get straight to dealing with my week long itch with her tongue (ok it wasn't week long - I scratched that itch a few times myself while I was away.)  I have to confess I was rather rough with billie but she didn't seem to mind and she definitely knows how to satisfy with her tongue, I love my sissy hubby!

Other news is that we have our trip away booked for the back end of November, but billie will not be coming with us.  We were going to send her down to be with Kerri for a week but Kerri can't get time off.  billie has been proactive and managed to fill the time with work with some of his major clients and so will have a few days on the road over that period.  he is heading back up to York and also to Newcastle.  he is also waiting to see if he can move another project into this period so he may well be quite busy while John and I are away enjoying each other.

However don't fear, we are arranging a little bit of time away for billie and kerri in the near future so they won't miss out on having a break away together.

I've been spoiling billie and I've purchased another chastity for the little dear.  this one will be a punishment chastity and will not replace the current small metal on that he/she currently wears.  this will be swapped over for short period wear as a punishment or even just to amuse me.  I wanted to see what it would be like for her to wear one with a urethral tube and that's what I've got for her.  it will be interesting to see what happens while she is in this current frustrated drippy state when I use the strap-on while she wears the new cage and tube.  She hasn't seen it yet, she know I have it but she'll just have to wait to get it.

we've (John and I) also just bought her a new dildo, it's the same length as John but just a little bit less girth.  we decided that she should have a new travelling companion for when she is away overnight with work and since she has been very much focused on serving John during this period of chastity we thought that we had best let her have her own training aid to make sure that she keeps fit while away.

One of the things which I am considering putting together  for when billie is away with work is a small set of training programmes/ schedules that she must do each day as part of her routine while she is away from home.

so far I am thinking of making her put on her sissy exercise out fit with tracksuit on top and go for a jog/ walk each morning at 6am.  In the evening she should do any work in a skirt and blouse and also to get her to do a period of corner time and also a period of oral and anal training with dildo's and her plugs.

John suggested that when she is in the corner that she faces the wall and listens to some instructions from me or even the sounds of myself and john having sex.  while this does spark my interest I will probably just use the sound track from some porn and combine it with instructions from me.  I want billie to focus on what she can hear so I'll make sure that she takes one of her hoods and the Bluetooth headphones that she has.  I think that 30-40 minutes corner time in heels and lingerie while plugged and gagged while listening to something "interesting" will do as a nice bit of training for her.

Oral training may well be done to a metronome to set a suitable time/ beat for her to suck her dildo version of her Master.  There seem to be plenty of these programmes on the internet but I'd really like on that could be set to alter the beat/ pace at different times.  As well all know when jiving a Blow Job you don't just stick to one steady pace.  so if any one knows of a variable metronome programme let me know in the comments.

I'd also be open to suggestions or ideas for anal training for my hubby while she is away. something that would last 30 - 40 minutes and help to tire her out ready for bed.  Again anyone with ideas please put them in the comments and we can have a look at them.

I think that's enough for now, we have plenty to look forward to over the next few weeks and I'm sure that billie will be providing updates for you.

Alice XXXX

09 October 2019

The Cat is away but the mouse still does what it's told.

Madam is currently away in Bristol for the week with work.  This normally happens once or twice in the year as she is part of her Company's audit and compliance team.  This isn't as harsh as it may sound as basically a team from one office or project Team go and do a check on processes and projects at another.  Madam quite enjoys it and regularly gets selected to take part.

So having left on Monday morning we won't see her back until Friday evening and based on past experience she'll be knackered from the journey back, so Friday will be a nice hot bath, a bit of a massage and a bit of very gentle oral work from me to help her relax and then off to bed for her.  Master will probably be over for breakfast on Saturday and that will start their weekend.

I'm not left to my own devices, there are my usual jobs to be done, as well as a few Work Projects to finalise and get issued.  Madam phones each evening to me to catch up with things and she also calls Sir for a more "intimate chat".  During my phone call I'll be asked what I've been upto and also to prove what I'm wearing and that may mean that I have to immediately open up skype so that Madam can see that I am fully compliant with her dress policy or if she has set instructions that I'm following her directions.

So at the moment I've just finished my cleaning tasks and have changed to blouse and dark blue skirt to go to the office to work on one of my projects for a client, once I've finished this blog entry, so all dressed as Miss billie, secretary and assistant to Mr Mick Luff the consultant.

When Madam goes away she will often leave instructions in envelopes or boxes with dates and times on them for me to open and to comply with.  I've already had 2 envelopes, Monday was to order some particular stockings for Madam and also to go to Sir's house and collect his washing - but to travel there in skirt and blouse.  Tuesday's envelope told me that my self imposed social media ban was ended and that I should start blogging again.

Today's envelope which I opened at 9am informed me that I am to take Sir's washing back this afternoon, washed and ironed and have it put away in his wardrobes.  I'm to have this all completed by 5pm and change into my Maids Uniform and be ready for serving Sir for the evening.  As Madam puts it, have a whisky ready for his arrival, a plan to feed him for the evening and to take care of his "other needs" considering that she isn't there to do it.

So this afternoon I'll be pressing my short maids uniform and packing my basque, black stockings, wig, make up and heels so that I can give a good impression for Sir's arrival hope and to make sure that I can make sure that he is happy with my evenings service and compliance with Madam's wishes.

It could be a long night.....

08 October 2019

A Quick Post - Asking the Wrong Question to the Right Answer

Evening Folks,

I haven't posted  for the last 2 weeks as Madam felt that I should take a short break from the Social Media thing after my rant about Pintrest and other stuff, and that was a sensible thing to do.

We've been busy over the last couple of weeks with just doing our thing, I've even managed to have a game of golf with John (Mick and John are both equally dreadful at golf but we do enjoy the effort), I think that we managed to get the last good day of the weather.

so what is the jist of this post, well I 've had several emails and messages asking how I'm finding my enforced chastity during Loctober…….. and they kind of go like this....

"How you coping with Loctober?"

"Eerrr…..????  I'm not doing loctober."

"Yes you are! your in chastity!  your Mistress has put you in chastity because you as a submissive cuckold, yadda yadda yadda...."

"I'm not doing Loctober, Madam put me in Chastity back in April."

"Yes, but it is Loctober.."

"whoa there sunshine!  October is just another frustrating month that I have to pass through on the way to either a release in late November or at Christmas"

"Isn't your Mistress going to release you at the end of the month?"


and with that I either get a "Oh, that's a bit of a sod" (no it isn't) or what have you done to upset her - nothing, have you read my profile or my blog....queue shameless plug for this blog....

and so it is that I explain that my chastity is an important part of our relationship and an important part of allowing me to focus on what pleases Madam, it's grown to be more than just a once a year event and it isn't anything bad, if anything it has improved a lot of things for me and Madam.

If you are locked for the month - enjoy the frustrations and sensations and if you are locked up normally... well just keep doing what you do or have to do.

PS I had a message from Madam who is working away she has purchased another metal chastity for me.  I suspect that this is either a smaller one or one with a urethral tube fitting.  I'll just have to wait and see.

Changes and Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

 From Madam Alice: I know that I have not written for a bit of time but that is due to a number of things, mainly as Blogger still has restr...