22 September 2024

Ups and downs...flashes and bangs!

This isn't the originally planned blog post that I had hoped to post this week but I thought that I needed to get something out this weekend before the start of the working week.

I started a post last weekend about the trip that we had upto leicester to meet Young David's parents -  a very nice couple by the way - however the plan to finish that post over a couple of evenings this past week didn't come about as I've been arriving back home quite late on most evenings. I will get it finished but it still needs some work as neither Madam or I are happy with the way it reads at the moment.

Madam has also had a week of traveling with work and as we came to this weekend it has been a case of literally just catching our breath.

We've had John over as well and it's been more of a just a case of relaxing for all of us.  The one thing that did change was that Madam decided on Friday night that she would change my chastity cage from the small plastic/resin to one of my small all metal one's. 

Now I haven't worn one of my metal cages for a while and the one thing that I noticed that the difference in weight is significant.  So much so that it has been essential to wear the elasticated waist strap.  I was especially glad of it when Madam decided to use her strap-on on me on Friday evening, the waist strap helped to cut down the bounce and stopped the cage from pulling away from me.

Yesterday saw us all going out for a lunch, including me, and after so long in a plastic/resin chastity it was noticeable the difference in weight in my knickers.  It is simply the case that I've become so used to the minimal weight of my normal pink cage.  The lesson from yesterday was that while comfortable trousers are key when in chastity, good supportive knickers are also key when wearing a metal cage!  So many lessons that I had forgotten!

Saturday night, continued as a relaxed evening with all 3 of us just having a slow evening together, just occasionally playing and teasing each other and basically unwinding.  Yes I did remain submissive to both Sir and Madam all evening but it wasn't very much is a formal way.  I think that the way we have all been busy has meant that we just needed time to catch our breath.  That was very much the case as I also ensured that both Sir and Madam were orally served before the evening was done.

This morning, found me in Shapewear of a corselette and stockings with no knickers but heels making breakfast for everyone. Initially I was wearing a satin dressing gown but both Sir and madam kept touching me up as I moved about the kitchen and dining table so much so that I was told just to take the dressing gown off!

Sir headed off after breakfast as he had to meet up with one of his daughters at lunch time.  I was about to go and get dressed when Madam told me to stay as I was and just get on with my jobs in my Shapewear.

Now one of the things that has come about with my weight loss over the last few months is that some of that weight loss has come off my thighs, what that means is that quite a few of my hold up stockings no longer "Hold up".  so they have migrated to my normal stocking drawer, they don't work well with most of my suspender belts but they do work with the metal suspender clips of my shapewear.  I think I'm now at the stage that I need to consider going down from Large size stockings to Mediums.  You could say that it is a benefit of the weight loss but it does mean that the spare hold ups that I have still in the wrappers probably won't be usable the way that they had been bought.  Nevermind! they seem to be ideal to wear with girdles, waist clinchers and corselettes.  

One of the tasks this morning was catching up with the washing and Ironing, too many days on the road travelling means that there was too much of both and particularly as Madam has to look smart as part of her moving up with her promotion, so there are quite a few blouses and skirts to get pressed.

With that I was told to do the ironing in the dining room, Madam wanted to watch me do my chores while she was in the lounge and also so that she could chat with me.  

I set up the small Ironing board that we have on the table and plugged in the Iron.  At that point there was a flash (and it wasn't just my bum!) and I will be honest I almost had a heart attack!  The Iron decided to trip the bloody electrics! It also made Alice squeal, I'm not sure why, she wasn't plugging the bloody thing in!

On investigation my Iron, that I've had for a few years had finally given up the ghost, probably due to the fact that it needed to be used with an adapter, having bought it one of my work trips while abroad.  Having checked that I was alright, which I was, and that Alice was alright I went to check the electrics, no damage done other than one dead domestic appliance and it was a case of simply resetting the circuit, once the offending item was removed from the socket.

Alice then started to laugh to herself and I asked what was funny, to which she pointed out that if I had been electrocuted should she make efforts to remove my sissy clothes before the ambulance arrives or should she just leave me that way for them to see me as her submissive crossdressing husband?

My response what that I hoped she would at least do first aid before considering any of those matters!

But she has a point...... I know that Poppet subslut is always trying to encourage my exposure I'm just not sure an accident is the best way to achieve that!😂😂😂  thankfully we were all fine.  The only issue caused was that I had to go out just after lunch and get a new iron this time with a proper plug and Madam now has all the ironed clothes that she needs for the coming week.

Such are the trials of a chastised domestic submissive!  So to everyone have a good and safe week, particularly when doing your domestic chores!

25 August 2024

When your Dom has doubts and a loss of confidence

Apologies for the long delay in posting unfortunately the vanilla world has been a big focus for us in the last 6 weeks.  All 3 of us have had things that filled our calendars and in some respects it has meant that who ever has had the most stable calendar to be the lead in the Household.

For myself I've had a lot of time on the road traveling with work but it has been fairly stress free other than regularly being stuck in traffic jams.

Sir has had 2 activities which have occupied his time one has been spending time with one of his daughters and also being heavily involved with a contract that his company has.  

However the main issue has been with Madam,  with changes at her work she was has been asked to step up into a lead role for her team as a temporary measure, while she has done this several times before it has often been for specific projects or tasks, however this time was classed as the designated lead for the team as a whole.  At the same time she was informed that she was being considered for a permanent promotion.  Madam was quite rightly incredibly pleased to be selected  to go forward for the promotion as the company she works for have a very good internal development programme, but there is a very rigorous selection process to go through.

This process has required Madam to spend time preparing for the different parts of the selection process, interviews at different levels, an in-house exam and also a couple of days doing problem solving and team work exercises.  All of which I get as some of the candidates may get a position that will come with a funded MSc or MBA, so the company wants to know what they are getting.

The problem for Madam started after her initial chat/ interview where she started to have some doubts about her suitability and ability for the jobs/ promotion.  I initially thought that this was down to her being probably one of the older candidates but that wasn't the case.

What was bothering her was the fact that she had started her career as an Admin Assistant.  It seemed that it was a case of imposter syndrome.

I had to sit her down and we had to have a "Mick and Alice" discussion and it did start with "Alice! bloody sit down and listen..."

Over the years I have watched my wife develop, to change and become the wonderful person that she is and that I love.  Her loss of confidence with this opportunity was also transfering into our homelife so it was a case of getting her to recognise that this was well within her capabilities and the thing that she had in bucket loads was life and work experience, with a right skills and competence for this.  I had to remind her that while she may have been an admin assistant at the start but she was now a Project manager and Team leader working on some fairly impressive jobs over the years, all with steady progression and recognition.  This opportunity was just the next step in the process.

I told her that I would help get back upto speed with Project management training (whats the point in being married to someone who teaches the topic if you can't take advantage of it) so that she would be just fine for those elements of the exams.

Both myself and John noticed that her worries were carrying over into our FLR, so as her submissive I viewed it as my job to support her and to make sure that her confidence remained where it should and if needs bolster it.

 We didn't do too bad a job, and it is one of the reasons that I was travelling back and forth with work rather than a more sensible overnight stays.  I wanted to make sure that I was there to support Alice each evening and also to make sure that Madam had her submissive on hand should she need it.  

Our FLR routine became key with all of this, things like the Thursday Evening review were really important as it helped to ensure that Madam had stability and had to stay focused for any of my "mistakes" during the week.

Routine isn't just about giving structure to the submissive, it has a function for the Dominant as well. It also had the purpose of providing a good distraction from what was going on at work and bringing Alice back into being Madam and having the focus and confidence of being the Lead in our FLR.

It worked, admittedly with a little manipulation from me.  You could accuse me of doing a little bit of "Topping from the Bottom"  but it was all for the purpose of making sure that Alice kept her confidence. 

Has Alice been successful ?- Yes.  she was offered a promotion and she has accepted. She has a bit of time to prepare and learn the ropes ready to step up into the new job, so all is good.

So this weekend has been totally about Madam and billie spending some quality FLR time together.  Madam was back in full "swing" and my bottom has been thoroughly used by her, to the point that I need an extra cushion while I work at the computer.

To everyone, thank you for your patience with us, we are hopefully going to get back into a more steady routine with things and back into regular posts.

Take Care

Madam and her submissive.


26 June 2024

Stockings, Showgirls and Coveralls

Hello everyone, it's been a while but the vanilla world has been keeping all of us very preoccupied.

I must apologise to everyone with blogs that we normally regularly visit and comment on as we have been very poor with keeping up with everyone.  Yes we should all be spanked, but that probably wouldn't be considered a punishment for some of us....

So what has been happening for us, well things have settled down a bit with Madam's family and as previously mentioned we made a point of not meeting Ellie's future in-laws, we wanted Ellie's parents to do that first.  That has now happened and from all accounts went well.  We will hopefully meet David's parents in August.  That will be a very Vanilla weekend, the last thing we need is to cause any family issues from that direction! 

On my side of things work while not busy, it is time consuming as I am spending a lot of time on the road traveling to project meetings and being stuck in slow traffic.  It is does leave me rather knackered at the end of each day!

The other aspect is that I've had to spend a lot of time bidding for work for the back end of this year and into next year.  It takes time but it needs to be done so that I can keep Madam in the lifestyle that she demands.....those stockings and heels don't buy themself!

There has been slight changes with Madam's work, as she has been given a temporary promotion to the head of her project team.  This has given her additional responsibilities but she seems to be enjoying it.  She has been told that she is actually in the running for a formal promotion and is being considered for 2 potentials jobs if she is successful.  Madam is convinced that they have promoted her in her team to assess her, but my view is that her team needed a lead and she was the most suitable and that she should use this as a learning and development opportunity.  However the down side of this is that Madam has convinced herself that she needs to brush up on her Project management knowledge,  If only she knew some one who could do some Project Management revision with her......Yeh, that might be me then.

Here is the dilemma that I have, formally teaching your wife is bad enough, but the fact that she is also your Mistress and every Thursday she spanks/ punish you, it adds another level of pressure to delivering good quality training.    

To provide a break and diversion from Madam's focus on her work and what the future might hold, 2 weeks ago I decided to take her for a treat.  Madam loves going to the Theatre so I managed to get some tickets for a Saturday Matinee of Moulin Rouge.  So John gave us a life to the train station and a short trip into London with a brief stop to grab a Sandwich before getting to the Theatre near Piccadilly ready for the show, while our seats were up in the Gods there was no trouble with the view.

Now I don't mind the theatre, and while musicals are not my particular thing, I have to say that I really enjoyed the show.  But more importantly was the fact that Madam was really getting into it.

The added bonus was that the cast spent most of show in corsets and stockings.  Madam spent a large part of the show rubbing my thighs and feeling the straps of my suspenders under my trousers.  I really enjoyed the show but it wasn't comfortable being turned on by all of the stocking clad cast and a rather excited wife rubbing your leg and occasionally the inside of my thigh.  Madam also made the comment that I had very similar frilly knickers as some of the cast and if she had thought about it she would have made me wear them!

I can assure everyone my chastity was very uncomfortable!! 

I'm also glad that I didn't put my khaki slacks on as they would probably have had a a visible damp spot!

I would say that our trip to London and the Theatre was a complete success, Madam was completely distracted by it all and although it was just a short visit it did help her to unwind for the weekend.  So Job Done!

However it was not job done for me.  On the following day we discovered that at some point a few roof tiles had moved on the house and had been letting water in, so I spent the sunday in a set of old coveralls in the rain up on the roof with the plan to reset the tiles only to find that there was a hole batch of them that were loose/ not properly fixed.  The previous owner strikes again! nevermind I did a quick fix after assessing the extent of the problem and how much water had got in and then worked out what tools and materials I would need for a full repair.  So for the last weekend and the last few days with the good weather that we have had has found me back up the ladder and with a tower scaffold working on doing the full repair to the roof.

I'd like to say that I was properly attired for the job but it was more a case of dressing for the weather with a scruffy T-shirt and set of shorts.

Thankfully the house is now wind and weather tight again, and I'm trying to recover from shifting and laying roof tiles like I did as a 17 year old labourer but then after the job being reminded by my body that I'm nearly 60 and and that I need to bloody behave! 

There, that is quick summary of where we have been and what we've been upto over the last few weeks.  Madam should get word of the selection process for the jobs that she is being considered for in the next few weeks and I suspect that they will want to try and do the interviews before August so we will just have to wait and see - fingers crossed!  

03 June 2024

Its been a Mad few weeks

 Evening everyone, well we are still alive and currently we haven't done too much harm to anyone, despite what some people have tried doing.....

As a couple we have taken the last two weekends to just relax and try and recharge batteries.  I have been busy with my work but the frustration has been with travelling to and from meetings, the M1 motorway has just been a bloody nightmare and to be honest my client is paying more for my travel time than they are for my time in the meetings, but they want the face to face meeting so.....

Madam on the other hand is currently a bit stressed with work and also with her family.  Currently her team is short staffed and just to add some pressure she has been told that she is being viewed for a potential promotion.  Under normal circumstances she would be all over the promotion but she is being pulled in several directions.

I had to go and chat with our Ellie and David, mainly to lay the law down a little, don't panic it wasn't a bad thing.  Ellie had made arrangements for us to meet David's parents , which was great and we really do want to meet them but we found out that the plan was for us to meet his parents before Ellie's parents got to meet them.  Having only just managed to "negotiate a peace treaty" between the youngsters and Ellie's mother we thought that this would just blow everything out of the water.  However a visit from Uncle Mick and a conversation along the lines of "Sit down and pin your ears back...." got the message home and the realisation of how delicate the peace is in the family.

 Now while I played Mister nasty, the young couple did realise that it was the sensible thing to do.  The real reason that I did it was to ensure that there was no unnecessary stress added to my Mistress Wife, particularly at the moment when she needs some one looking after her.

In terms of our FLR we are doing fine, as mentioned we have been taking time to recharge batteries and just relaxing.

Last thursday I made the point at the weekly review to slightly inflate my errors so that I would get a higher set of punishments.  Why?  because Madam needed to let off steam and stress and I know that she does get a buzz/ tension release when she punishes me.  she isn't a sadist but the endorphins work in both directions for both the sub and the Dom.  I did pick up a further 6 strokes with the paddle as she realised what I was doing!

It hurt like buggery but it was worth doing!  Madam seem quite content later that evening when I put her to bed.

We've also had a few light hearted moments over the weekend as well, on Sunday morning I got up to make some tea for myself to prepare some breakfast in bed for Madam.  She was sound asleep when I headed for the kitchen and started a brew, I popped some music on as I prepped the breakfast and the coffee percolator did it's thing.  After a while things were coming together and all of a sudden I heard a noise to turn round to find Madam in the doorway giggling to herself.

"How long have you been there?"

"long enough to watch you bouncing around in your satin dressing gown to the Sisters of Mercy!"

Fair play, she did catch me enjoying "The temple of love" (radio edit) by the Sisters of Mercy, a particular favourite of mine and it is frightening to realise that it is over 32 years old!  Well despite my aged frame and knackered knees I can still manage to enjoy a bit of my favourite music and don't care what I look like.  Madam seemed to enjoy my arse moving around barely covered by a bit of satin so that is all that matters! 

Temple of Love - Video

 next weekend give it a try, you might enjoy it!

At the moment things look like they will continue to be busy for Madam at work and I will work to try and keep things calm at home for her, so that she can come home and relax.  I'm hoping that the client of my current project will see the sense in minimising the face to face meetings and switch to Teams/ Zoom meetings.  That will give me the ability to get back into my normal home routine and to be billie more than Mick, mainly as Madam likes me as billie and it helps keep my life in balance.

Well keep smiling everyone and we'll let you know how things progress and if there is any updates on Madam's potential promotion at work. 

06 May 2024

Whats Up Doc?

Evening everyone,

it's been a mad few weeks, we haven't been ignoring you but vanilla life has been keeping us all too busy.

For me, I've had a number of follow up appointments with the Doctor and I'm making reasonable progress with my health, it's not fast but we are going in the right direction. Madam is both pleased and surprised with the way that I have been dealing with my diet due to the need to lose weight and the fact that I have had to change some of the types of food.  

However, the visits to the Doctor have also meant that I've had to dig into my very small supply of male underwear! I think I'm down to only 2 pairs and a couple of pairs of "unisex" type of knickers, also I've had to have my chastity removed for each of the medical visits. However as soon as I've returned home I've locked myself back up.
It is something that I've discussed with Poppet Suslut many times, I quite like being chastity, it is somewhat reassuring so I spend as little time out of it as I can. It is different when Madam releases me-that is at her choice and her gift to me. but being released for a medical appointment is to my mind not a release, it is just a temporary practical function to allow scans and X-rays. If you are into chastity as a fetish or part of your FLR this probably makes sense.

Work from my side has also been busy but not in a bad way, I have a couple of interesting projects and the clients are quite good to deal with.

On the other hand work for Madam has become quite busy since Easter, the team that she is part of has been told that they have received funding for a bit of development work and that has secured them for the next 2 years, so while they are happy it has meant that things have stepped up for her, and she has had several working meetings in London, which has meant that when she gets home at the end of the day she is shattered.

we have also been dealing with some family issues with Madam's Sister relating to Ellie and David, this has resulted in us making several visits up to Leicester to try and resolve things, or at the very least minimize the impact across the wider family while trying to support the young couple. These trips invariably mean that we have had to spend most of the last few weekends in "Vanilla Mode".  

All of this is just adding to the tiredness that Madam has at the moment and I'm tempted to call a temporary halt to our trips north, so that she can have a weekend at home and myself and John can focus on pampering her.  We'll come up with a suitable plan between us.

so that is what's been going on with us, so please excuse us as we find our feet again and get back into what will be a normal routine again and start "misbehaving" again.

14 April 2024

An Updates and a FLR shared.

 We've been having a very busy few week in our lives for a number of reasons, nothing bad but they really have taken a lot of our time, so the aim of this post is to get you up to date with things.

Firstly my health continues to be an issue but is manageable and I'm following the medical guidance and currently losing weight and doing more exercise.  this will be a long term thing but we have al now settled into a routine that is helping me towards improved  health/ recovery.

Next, has been my work, which has been rather busy but unlike my major project last year, this has been challenging, busy but has been rather interesting, so while it has taken a lot of my home time and also limited time with Madam, it has been a good experience.

The next bit is the main part of this post, over the past few weeks we, Alice and myself, had several sit down conversations with our Ellie and David.  We made the decision to explain our relationship, initially the details of our FLR and how and why we live the way we do and then a little later we also explained about the "cuckolding" side of our relationship.  

The reason that we did it in two separate conversations was that we wanted to see what the reaction was to the details about our FLR with it's elements of Chastity, crossdressing, bi sexuality and punishments, before we then launched with "oh by the way, your Aunt also has a long term boyfriend that spends most weekends over at our house while I'm a completely subservient maid....."

The first conversation was in March when Ellie came and spent the weekend with us, we started it in a very vanilla way, it was very much done as Mick and Alice.  

We have to be really grateful to Carol and Kerri as they had hosted Ellie and David for a couple of weekends down at their house so that they could see their FLR and also to meet 2 other couples that Carol knows that live in different types of FLR.  Apparently that really did lay the ground work and opened both of their eyes to the fact that FLR means different things to different people and that there is no standard fit or model.

We spent the early part of the visit explaining what made us move to having a FLR, what the problems were with our marriage, the verbal fights and the realisation that one of us had to become the Dominant and also combined with the fact that my mental implosion from work related stress etc.  Quite a bit of this was a surprise to Ellie, as we had a very close relationship with her as she had grown up, we can only surmise that we hid it well from family and friends.  With that explained we cracked another bottle of wine and then got into the main part of explaining and showing our FLR.

We talked about our out Public face of Mick and Alice and then explained about the FLR personalities at home which are Madam and billie, we each explained why we had the different aspects and Ellie had quite a few questions to both of us.  things like "What are your Limits?"  "are there things that only happen in the vanilla life or are FLR things always present?", "what happens when one of you wants to switch from FLR to Vanilla personalities."

We made it clear that the FLR is now, and has been for about 20 years, the leading part of our lives and the vanilla is mainly only the outward face that we have with the public. We probably live 95% of the time in the FLR.

We had an interesting conversation when we spoke about our relationship with Carol and Kerri, Alice confessed that she and Carol were Girlfriends, which did not comes as a surprise to Ellie as apparently she had spotted the two of them having a "rather passionate private kiss" when we all got together at New Year.

What did comes as a surprise was when I told her that also have a relationship with kerri, I'd say that she was a little taken aback by that but once she recovered she was full of questions, all positive and very inquisitive.  While she had meet Kevin at our New Year get together, their visit down to Carol's allowed them to meet kerri and to understand more about her and the fact that she was almost always in the female role in their relationship.

Ellie was already aware that I was kept in chastity but hadn't seen it, also she knew that I was required to wear female underwear.  We wanted to makes sure that she understood about billie (and Ms Watson) so I excused myself and went and changed into one of my maids uniforms.  I had already agreed with Alice before Ellie arrived that when I went and changed this would be us switch over to Madam and submissive billie and that I would be in complete submissive role, including defering and being submissive to our niece and I would refer to her as "Miss".  

this allowed us to show the way that out FLR work, it was almost like a "walk through, talk through".  Ellie had lots of questions and observations, and we had lots of things to explain or to add context.  it went really well and she did fully get what we did and why.

Madam also made a point of explaining how and why we did the weekly review, even to the point of providing Ellie with a display and talk on how to apply different types of punishments and cornertime.  

with that done I was dismissed and sent to get changed, this time I simply changed out of the maids uniform and put on one of my satin dressing gowns and rejoined them in the Living room.

The rest of the evening was relaxed with lots of curious chat and questions, Oh and wine, the girls had plenty of wine.

So overall the weekend was a success.  The next stages was for us to travel up to Ellie and David's place at Easter and bring David upto speed on the details of our FLR.  We also got to see the type of FLR that they already had and where and how it came about, it was really interesting to see how it had actually grown and developed.  Apparently what had started with our niece being a goth and taking her then boyfriend to concerts and events, strayed over to being invited to a few events on the fetish side of things to them both taking a liking to being part of the Fetish scene.  It was also interesting to find out that the driver for the move to an FLR wasn't our very forward and clearly sharp and dominant niece but actually David. 

We actually spent several days with them, it was good to get them both on side and one of the important parts was that I spent a long afternoon with David chatting with him and letting him ask questions about any and all aspects of the relationship.  he had questions about my chastity and the dressing side of things.  He was also very curious about my need for humiliation.  It was a very open conversation and it went quite well.

I'll be honest, my view of David has changed, I had the impression that he was very competent at his work, and rather shy and subservient at home.  It's really clear that he is actually competent and confident at work, and his shyness is actually with Ellie's wider family, he is a very confident and comfortable being submissive to Ellie.  What makes him nervous appears to be the fact that he doesn't want embarrass Ellie infront of her family, and it appears that Alice and myself are an important part of that.  Yes, he lets Ellie lead in the relationship, while he is comfortable to follow, but it was good to see that he has a strong voice in the relationship.  (but he isn't topping from the bottom!)

The other part of the conversation that we all had together was to explain to them about the one aspect that we hadn't mentioned, and we made it very clear that it was not to be mentioned or discussed with any other family members and that was the relationship that we had with John, the cuckolding side of the relationship.  We made appoint that it was not an integral part of our FLR, more of a "bolt on" to the relationship, but we also explained that what made it work was the fact that John absolutely understood our FLR and has been willing to embrace it and take part in it.  

Why did we explain it in this way?  well we were keen to make sure that they didn't get the wrong impression and think that cuckolding is a part of all FLRs, which it isn't and also was the fact that all of Alice's previous boyfriends were not involved or did not want to be involved in our FLR.

Again with this revelation there was lots of questions and also the two of them were now looking at us with a bit of a different view of us.  I think we are viewed as being a bit more liberated rather than the "traditional and conservative" couple that they had perhaps thought we were, I think we have been breaking down that impression over the last 6 months bit by bit anyway. 

 So there you have it, it has been a few weeks where we have been a bag of nerves working out how we were going to open up and explain things, and then in small chunks we have laid bare our FLR, exposed it to scrutiny and to questions and I think we did it in a way that has been accepted and understood, even if it has had some real surprises for our youngster.  also as I said it was also good to get a view of their FLR and the journey that they have been on.

It's going to be an interesting journey and I think, well both Alice and I think things will be just fine for them and we've probably made their relationship with us a bit stronger. 

01 March 2024

Madam's Valentines Weekend (and my tasks)

Having had a lovely valentine's day with Madam, and being downsized in my chastity, it was now a case of getting ready for Madam going away for the weekend with Sir.  Madam had booked the Friday off  and as directed I had planned to do my normal Friday tasks and to keep my afternoon schedule fairly flexible.

so on Friday morning neither I or Madam knew where she was going or the weekend, Sir had it all organised.  Madam knew it was going to be an AirB&B for accommodation for the Friday and Saturday night and that she would be out for dinner each evening and out during the day. 

I helped her pack her bag in the morning, and then went and changed so that I could go for the weekly grocery shopping, Sir arrived just before I was leaving and came in for a cup of tea, so I said cheerio and headed off into town.

I got back about 11.30, Madam and Sir had left and I found a wrapped present on the kitchen work top, a selfie stick to use with the phone that we use for doing some of our photos.  There was also a note from Madam telling me that she had packed a bag for me and it was on my bed (it was padlocked with a combination padlock) and the note also told me to pack an overnight bag with my toiletries and towel, a change of underwear, some male casual wear and bring the camera and phone, with the self stick.  I was told to wait for more information.

At 1.30pm I received a whatsapp message from Sir telling me to get my bags and head to a hotel near Cambridge (address supplied) and ask for a room that had been booked for "billie Watson". I was to message him to let them know when I arrived.

I got there eventually, despite the Friday traffic, checked in and was told that a room had been booked by my "Boss".  The room was very nice, I dropped my bags and sent a message.

Madam sent me a reply, with the combination for my bag and also with my 2 tasks for the evening.  These were to involve taking a couple of sets of photos, both as part of a bigger task.  Unfortunately I can't go into details at the moment until the whole of the tasks have been completed.  The tasks involved a few sets of photos and a few changes of clothes, by the time I had finished both tasks I was ready for bed. That was my Friday evening.

Saturday morning I got a message from Sir telling me to check out of the hotel and to be at a certain Coffee shop in Cambridge by 10.45am and to get myself a cup of tea and just wait and watch.  At 11am(ish) a couple came into the coffee shop holding hands, and very close to each other. They ordered and went to the other side of the room  and sat down, yes it's Madam and Sir.  

When Madam sat down you could just see the welts of her stockings. They were sat having their coffees for about 20 minutes and during that time I got a few very cuckold/ humiliation related whatsapp messages from Sir.  I had another cup of tea and just watched them from the other side of the room.  They finished and left and I got my next whatsapp delivered instructions to go and do some shopping and get Madam a pair of black panties and black stockings suitable for her to wear for going out for dinner with her boyfriend.  I was also told to go to a certain pub at 1pm to have lunch, but to order from the bar menu, no alcohol, just soda water.

Madam and Sir appeared at 1.15pm and it appeared that they had booked a table in the dining area. I moved to a seat where I could see them better and they could see me.  Once they had finished their lunch I was messaged to go and enjoy some sights of cambridge and get my daily steps in (I've been increasing my walking as part of fitness/ weight loss programme to help with my health improvement.)

At 5pm I got a message that "Madam's maid" was expected this evening and I was sent an address and where to park - this was the Air B&B that they were staying in - to which I got back to my car and headed there.  I grabbed my bags and went into the building, they had the loft apartment at the top of the block, very nice.  

I was sent to the spare bedroom to get changed down to my underwear that I had on under my street clothes.  Madam came to the room and told me what the plan was for the evening.  I would help her get ready, then I would then drive them both to the restaurant that they were booked into and then come back to the apartment.  Once they were finished they might go for a drink but they would get a taxi back to the apartment. 

Madam had packed my dark blue jacket, my sheer trousers and black shoes in one of her bags, so that I would look appropriate as their driver.  She told me to wear the white sheer blouse that was in my bag. 

The jacket just covered the top of my sheer trousers and Madam made the point that I was not to wear any panties so my new pink chastity cage would be on display if my jacket was open.  Also the blouse was a white "pussybow" type of blouse, so there was no way to try and claim that it was a normal shirt, it was very clear what it was.  Once dressed I was sent to get my car from the parking area at the back of the apartment, I brought it round to outside the apartment ready to pick them up, but I had to come in to let them know it was outside.  Madam had handed me one of my face masks as I was leaving so I suspected that at some point there would be photos taken. As I came back into the apartment block Madam was at the bottom landing of the stairs and took some photos with her phone as I came in and some more at the top of the stairs.

Before we left Madam gave me a particular task to do when I got back from dropping them off at the restaurant.  The apartments had a Lift and I was tasked to get dressed in skirt and blouse and take a set of photos next to the lift, one of the photos had to show my chastity.  (you all have to thank Poppet Subslut for this as she has been badgering me to do this type of thing for ages and Madam had picked up on this and so I was duly tasked.....Thanks P!!!!)

With both of them ready I got them out of the flat and drove them into the town centre to the restaurant and then headed back to park up and get back to the flat.

Now the thing is that the whole experience was nerve wracking as the other flats in the apartment block were occupied and I could hear people moving around.  so the there was a constant risk that one of them would come out into the corridors or landings or even use the lift!.

Once I was back in the flat I got changed for the task   When ready I had to get out of the apartment and go across the landing next to the door of the lift.  I'll admit I was bloody nervous as there were people coming and going from the ground floor flats, I was very conscious of the sound of my heels on the floor and every noise from downstairs.  The things I do for Madam!  Here are 2 of the photos, I was using the selfie stick and was still getting used to it.  I'm sure I'll get better with it with more practice!

With the photos taken, and task complete I was safely back in the flat.  

A few hours later I got a message telling me that Sir and Madam had just ordered a taxi and they would be back in 15-20 minutes and that I was to be waiting by the door with some wine for my Mistress and her boyfriend. I was told to be in my pink cuckolding outfit.

I got a message telling me that Sir and Madam had just ordered a taxi and they would be back in 15-20 minutes and that I was to be waiting by the door with some wine for my Mistress and her boyfriend. I was told to be in my pink cuckolding outfit.

I had to rush to get changed and dressed, I was about halfway through getting ready when another message arrived telling me that they were about to arrive and that I was to be ready with my panties lowered so that Sir could see my new chastity (he hadn't really seen it earlier.) so it was all a bit of a rush to get finished dressing. The message also said that I was to have the door to the Flat fully open so that I could be seen as they came up the stairs (and anyone else for that matter) - I was to be exposed again!

I added my face mask to my outfit as I figured that there would be photos taken.

There has been a few additions to the cuckolding outfit. One of which was the modification of the front of the dress, this was based on the suggestion from Poppet. I've added a series of press studs on the inside of the front of the dress so the front can be clipped up to have me on display or dropped if Sir wants me covered.

Madam had found a pair of pink heels in a charity wedding shop in Milton Keynes, I dread to think what the wedding or bridesmaid dress looked like if these were the shoes for it, you can see they are all very pink!.

Madam also got me a pair of pink garters, one for my leg and the other for a choker, as well as a pink wig just to complete things. All very pink! The last addition to the outfit was a pink corset, a gift from kerri.

Knowing that they were on their way into the building made me rush, I got the wine poured, the front door of the flat open and into position with the tray ready for Madam and Sir. I was now stood there with the flat door open and my caged clittie exposed to anyone that popped their head round the corner.

The relief that I had when the sound of people on the stairs turns out to be Madam and Sir! Madam had her phone out and photos were taken.

Yes I know my socks aren't right and when I pushed down the pantie bloomers it moved one of my stockings, also the bow in my hair wasn't square on, so all of these errors in my dress were pointed out to me so that they could added to my review book for thursday night, when my bum would be made to suffer for my lack of attention to detail.

Sir, gave me a good inspection particularly the new cage and that resulted in a lot of verbal humiliation.

I spent the evening carrying out maid duties, both in my exposed dress and also later I was directed by Madam to remove my dress and to serve just in my underwear. When not required I was put in the corner of the living room, with the occasional comment directed at me about how pink suited me.

Eventually with the bottle of wine finished Madam and Sir retired to their bedroom and I was dismissed to my room with the instruction to keep my door open so that I could hear what they were up to and incase I was needed. I was also told that they would be having a lie-in in the morning so there would be no need to make breakfast.

My services were called on once during the night, for both Sir and for Madam.

In the morning I was up and on the go for 8am, with having made some tea when Madam appeared, I provided her with a cup of coffee and she sat down with me and asked if I had been alright with the weekend and also with the elements of exposure. It was a fair question and I explained that while I was very nervous (ok I was more than nervous) about the whole thing I did get a buzz from doing it. I explained that I wasn't sure about doing it too often but I would probably be ok with the occasional bit of exposure.

We chatted for a short while and I made Alice another cup of coffee for her and a tea for John. I asked what the plan was for the day and I was told that once I was ready I could head back home and Alice and John would be back later in the day, they were going to have a bit of a trip out to a few places around Cambridge and then grab a pub lunch somewhere that John knew of.

so once Alice headed back to the bedroom I went and grabbed a shower, dressed and packed my bags to head home to wait for them to come home later on.

The weekend was far more interesting than I had expected, considering I thought that I would be at home all weekend receiving updates by whatsapp, so being involved was great and my forced exposures were nerve wracking but yes I'll admit I did quite enjoy the element of risk to it (Poppet you have a lot to answer for!). I'll have to see what my next set of tasks are!

Ups and downs...flashes and bangs!

This isn't the originally planned blog post that I had hoped to post this week but I thought that I needed to get something out this wee...