24 January 2024

Valentine's Day preparations & Christmas Task Envelopes - Last week and this week

The past week has been a mixed bag of work, and tasks set by Madam. The tasks have been fairly straight forwards and not particularly taxing, they have been a lot less of an issue compared to the previous week's tasks (Naming toys). However that has all changed with this week’s task.

The first thing on Monday (22nd) morning was when I had to open one of my Christmas task envelopes. This task is going to be somewhat embarrassing to me and I think in 2 cases rather humiliating for me. I have been told that once the task has been complete I am to produce a blog post to further add to my embarrassment and humiliation.  Please, dear reader, you will just have to wait a little while. The task has 4 parts to it and the deadline of the end of February but I have been directed to get it completed at the earliest opportunity.  This is not going to be an easy task for me, it is definitely going to push me into uncomfortable boundaries. 

Last week's envelope (Monday 15th Jan) saw me me pick up a fairly minor task which was that each day that I was out with work I was to wear one of my bodysuits and tights under my Male clothes. I was also required to carry a spare pair of stockings or tights in my laptop bag, just in case I laddered the pair that I was wearing, if that occured I was to change/ replace them at the earliest opportunity. 

Madam had also included the condition that no matter where I was I was to make a point of going somewhere and purchasing a pair of stockings and tights, I was to show Madam the receipts on Thursday evening at my weekly review to prove that each pair had been bought close to where each of my site visits or meetings had been held. If Madam considered that they were too far from where I was working then I would be punished.

With 2 meetings in London on Monday and Thursday, that was quite easy as there was plenty of places to dash to, to get an appropriate item of hosiery. My visit to Yorkshire was a little bit more tricky, The first day was quite straight forward as the meeting was on the outskirts of York, but a quick detour into the shopping area of the town when I got off the train did the trick. The second day was not so easy as it was more of a rural location and I spent the day fully occupied doing a site inspection and didn’t get finished until nearly 6pm. Thankfully a visit to a supermarket with a clothes section on my route away from the site allowed me to quickly dash in to grab a Bottle of water and a pair of black opaque tights in my size, remembering to take my receipt and to be on the road back home.

While I fully accept that the supermarket was not quite what Madam had planned or hoped for when she set the tasks but it achieved the aim.  Added to which the tights where a godsend on Thursday to wear under my trousers as it was a really cold day.

Friday was a work from home day so no tasks required to be completed, however I did get a run in another pair of stockings over the weekend, the result was that one of the packets of new stockings was pressed into service straight away! The laddering of the stockings has been duly noted in my small note book and I will no doubt have my bum paddled for my lack of attention and carelessness with my hosiery.  For some reason I've had quite a few runs/ ladders in my stockings since Christmas, it is become quite a hazard to the welfare of my backside!

On sunday evening one of the things that was discussed between Madam and myself was the forthcoming Valentine's day. This is normally a day where Sir will take Madam out for the evening, or away overnight (admittedly last year was an exception as well) valentines day at home - blog post 2023. Normally if it is a weekday evening then Sir would take Madam for a meal somewhere local or for an overnight stay to London for a show or for a “fancy night out.” In either case I am normally left at home, generally not even tasked with driving. It was one of Sir’s requirements/rules that Valentine’s day/night was one of his dates.

However I was told that as Valentines Day would fall on a Wednesday, Madam would spend the evening with me. Apparently it was a request from Madam to Sir, which he accepted. I asked if Madam would like me to book a dinner table somewhere but she informed me that she wanted to have an evening at home with me.

Sir did set a condition on allowing Madam to have Valentines day with me and that was that Madam should take Friday the 16th February off work as Sir planned to take her away for a 2 night trip

This morning Sir called me to informed me that I should not make plans for the night of Friday 16th Feb or the Saturday/ Sunday, I was to be fully on call from 2pm on that Friday.

It is quite clear that something is planned for all of us in some way for that weekend.  On previous years there has been phone calls and skype calls as Madam was in the taxi with Sir leaving the restaurant or show heading back to the hotel.  I get the impression that this may be something more. 

I'm just really pleased that this year, similar to last year I will get the opportunity to have valentine's day with my Madam, and it is also not lost on me that Madam has promised to uncage me that day!

15 January 2024

Christmas Gifts -The envelope challenge of 8 Jan 24 - Finding Names

Evening everyone, at Christmas one of my "Gifts" was an envelope with smaller 5 dated envelopes in side.  I was informed that over the next 2 months I would be required to open each envelope on the date shown on the outside and to complete the task by the date indicated in the task, if the task has no date then it should carried out as quickly as possible.

The first of the envelopes was date for last Monday (8th January), Once Madam had gone to work I open the envelope and the task read:

You have a collection of Dildos which you use for oral and anal training, sometimes with your Dominantes and sometime on your own.  

Currently two of these toys have names, Master and Madam's Strap on Dildo.

You have had several new additions added to your collection, you are to find names for all of them and to start to refer to them as such.  Ideally they should reflect or relate to some one that you or we know.  You should ask the individual for their permission before you name a toy or discuss it with me if it is not possible to ask them. 

Task must be completed by the 14th February 2024.

 Your Loving Wife xxx

It is correct that I now have quite a collection with the recent addition of some dildos that came with the christmas present of the strap on harness.

I gathered them all together to see what I could do quickly and to actually work out how many I would need to name and if any were clear candidates.

Master was straight forward as it was already named and was named as it is just slightly smaller than Sir in terms of both length and girth.

Madam's strapon dildo is actually a 2 part toy.  It is a smooth toy which she has added a latex cock sheath with an extension which adds a cock texture to the dildo and adds 1.5 inches to the length.

The remainder were not named so it was a case of looking over them.  The first was straight forward  and it was one that was close to my uncaged length, perhaps it was a bit longer than me so it was named "Mick".

I identified one that was near the size of kerri when she is uncaged, the reality is that she is slightly bigger and certainly thicker, so a email was quickly pinged to her, explaining what the issue was and what the task was and would she give permission.  I received a response back later that evening but the suggestion was that perhaps I should name it after her Male persona just as I had done for the one that I was close to, so we now had "Kevin".

The next one that came to me was to contact one of Madam's old male friends who we keep in contact with, he was the original man that she cuckolded me with.  we all split on good terms when he moved away due to work commitments (a move to the USA) but he would come and see Madam when he was back in the UK and it was during the period before Sir became a feature in our lives.  While he doesn't see Madam any more he does keep in regular contact.  The bonus was that he also understood our type of relationship, not in the same way as Sir does, but once I explained things I was sure that he would be on side, even if it was just for my humiliation.  An email to the states actually resulted in a phone call from him and a good 20 minute catch up with him.  the end result was that I had his permission for "George"  

The next one was the shortest one, which is my penis gag, while not a dildo it is cock shaped and I thought I had best include it.  I could think of someone that this would match this and would probably agree.  I sent a grovelling email to her and requested her permission.  She consented but with specific conditions which had to be agreed to before I could allocate the name to the toy.  The conditions were very specific and I wasn't sure that I could fully comply with them.  However I had been travelling with work and Madam had seen the email response before I did (I had cc her into each of my request emails) and she agreed on my behalf.

When I got home she explained that I would agree to the conditions, which was that I was not allowed to suck (suckle) on the dildo, I explained that that was quite difficult to do with it filling my mouth.  Madam made it clear that the named individual did not want me to suck her little clittie while it was in my mouth.  Madam made it clear that if she caught me not complying then I would be punished for my lack of self control, so my little penis gag received it's name.

That now leaves 3 dildos that I need to name.  Madam has allowed me to ask post them here on the blog to offer them up for suggestions from the readers, any suggestions must have a reason behind it and and Madam will confirm if it will be allowed.  If I don't have suitable and appropriate names for all of them by 1 February then Madam will make me contact an individual with the aim to name one of the toys.  the last 3 tous are below:

Unnamed 1

Unnamed 2

Unnamed 3 - The lumpy beast????

      So dear readers do any of you have any suggestions?

14 January 2024

A christmas gift to make corner time "special"

 From Madam Alice

There has been a christmas present unopened for 2 weeks now, I told billie that he couldn't open it until I gave him permission.  I know that billie has been rather nervous of the contents of the present  and I've caught him looking at it occasionally as I had it placed on the dinning table in full view of billie, whether he was in the kitchen or the living room.

I granted permission to open the box on Thursday evening.  

We had completed the weekly review and billie had received a spanking with the paddle, mainly as he has laddered several stockings over the last 7 days.  His other infringements got him a 20 minute session of corner time. In addition to holding his skirt up while he faced the wall I also put his penis gag in and popped a blindfold over his eyes and then sat back to watch my submissive husband and admire my handy work on his bum.

I was also watching to see what he would be doing with the Gag, I wanted to see if he would be sucking on it while he was stood there.  I had warned him that there would be no sucking of the little cocklet in his mouth, if he did and I caught him there were would be consequences!  Thankfully for billie, he was a good boy and behaved himself.

On completion of his corner time and with the blindfold and the gag removed I sent him to collect the Box from the dining room. on his return he placed it on the chair and I had him open it.

The contained a number of items that I had ordered for one special purpose and that would become clear as all the items were laid out together. 

The first item is what triggered my idea, I had originally been looking for a pair of long leg girdle panties for billie to add to his shape wear, the problem is that ones with suspender clips are difficult to find and the one company that had them on their website didn't have them in stock - apparently they are quite popular? well I never!

I continued my search and found a lovely item, not quite what I was looking for but having read the reviews it started to give me an idea, and so the the result of that idea were now infront of billie.

This first item is a long leg shapewear body, but with the added bonus of having an open gusset/ crotch, as stated on the product description "for easy of use at the toilet and for hygiene", or if you are the same thinking as I am it's useful for full access to a sissies clit and bum hole.  Also the top part of the front of the body goes under the breasts with the view that it lets you wear  your own/ normal bra. 

When it comes to sizing I do like reading the reviews just to check and one of the comments said that the body fitted well, both top and bottom parts but this particular lady had deliberately ordered one size down from her normal so that the body would give more shape to her but also the top would help push her breasts up and the lower part would help lift her bum a bit more.  The reviewer also pointed out that the bra and stockings should be worn under the body and panties or tights over the top. 

With this advice I ordered billie one, but a size down from his normal sizing, I wanted to see what this did to his sissy "tits" and to his bottom.

Next item from the box was a new TENs/ E-Stim unit.  we have one already which is ok but only has a 30 minute duration.  this one has 2 connection points for pads, 10 function channels and can be set to run for increments of 10 minutes to 1 hour.  That should cover any length of session that I had planned.

The next item that came out of the box was a set of noise cancelling headphones.  We both regularly use the train for work, particularly if the meetings or work is in London as neither of us enjoy driving in London on a good day, and the charges now for ULEZ and congestion just don't make it viable.  One of the things that I've picked up from billie is to use the time on the train to listen to Podcasts and webinars.  he has been doing it for years on topics linked to his work.  However these blue tooth headphones have a completely different purpose when not on train journeys.

The last item in the box is a new bit of bondage wear for my husband.

I was originally looking for a stiffer posture collar and another item for him and came across this head harness and it looked like it would do the job that I had in mind perfectly.  The harness on the website was meant to come with additional rings on the side of the collar, but unfortunately this version didn't but a pair of clips were added to do the job instead.  The head harness also came with a small penis gag that could be Simply popped into the wearer's mouth and clipped in place - ideal.

With all the items laid out I explained to billie what they were and why they were in the box together.

I often use corner time as punishments or simply to dismiss billie when I don't need/ want him but don't want him to go too far away.  I have corner spots for him to stand in my study, the living room and in my bedroom.  Well I have added 3 more corner spots to the house, these extra locations would be indicated by by small mats.

  • In the utility room next to the storage cupboard. (billie had noticed that a mat had appeared there recently)
  • The downstairs toilet, it isn't used often but once the door is closed and the light off it is very dark.
  • In billie's maid room.  Normally we don't do "play" in his room, other than taking the occasional photos, now there will be a dedicated spot where he can spend "focused contemplation time." 

I explained that going forward there may be times when he will need to do corner time as a further punishment or when I want him to do some focused contemplation time.

The items of the box would be paired with some items that he already had to create a new punishment uniform.  The existing items would be 

  • His black hood with the padded eye coverings
  • The existing TENs unit and the different sized pads
  • wrist and ankle cuffs
  • Long gloves
  • Underwear of my choice
  • Anal hook with either the 30mm or 50mm ball fitted
I explained that we would try the whole ensemble on Sunday morning and that he could have his first focus session.

I had him dress in a waspie suspender belt, lace top stockings, and one of his lacy bras that he recently picked up from Marks and Spencers.  I also told him to put on his 5" heels.

As i wanted to take some photos for the blog we realised that the black hood did not show the head harness well so this was replaced just for today with the light coloured on that he has.  I had him wear one of his plain collars and also his existing penis gag.

I would like you to pay particular notice that I have attached 2 small circular TENs pads under his cage and directly on his sissy clit.
I added TENs pads to each of his bum cheeks, 2 pads added to his abdomen and held in place under his waspie, and 2 pads on the skin between his sissy balls and his slut hole.

He was then dressed with everything from the "box" christmas present

With the shapewear being one size smaller than billie's size it is quite enjoyable watching him get into it, but it has plenty of stretch and fits him lovely.  There are extra stitched bands at the bum that do indeed lift the bum cheeks.  also as you can see the crotch opening is certainly big enough and comes high enough to allow the sissy parts to be comfortably exposed and the bum hole to fully accessible.  I was very impressed.

I connected the pads on his abdomen and bum cheeks to our old TENs unit and the others to the new TENs unit which has 2 seperate control channels.  The old tens unit has a stronger set of pulses and are ideal for "buzzing" the larger muscles of his bum and stomach.  The new unit with it's 2 separate channels and ten different setting mean that I can set them independently and to different levels.  The new unit has power settings from 1-10 while the old one is 1-25.

Wrists and ankles are cuffed and linked and to reduce movement further. I had him turn round and I inserted the the anal hook with the 50mm ball into his hole, this wasn't too much of an issue as he had been used by the bigger dildo's the previous night and at the moment he is more accepting of bigger toys in his holes, I'm sure Poppet Subslut would be very proud of my hubby, she has encouraged him to go bigger for quite some time!

To make sure he doesn't move too much the hook has two cords with loops on the end that secure it in place by clipping them to the clips that I added to the collar of the head harness.  With the hook in place and secured to the collar billie really does have his movements limited as we found it and prevents bending. 

The headphones were placed on his head and adjusted to sit comfortably and fully over his ears. when this was done I switched them on and the noise deadening kicked in (after the session I checked with billie how effective they were, they still allow some outside noise but we put that down to the fact that they are not directly on the ears and have the hood and harness under them, but they did reduce the noise quite a bit.)

The final part of the outfit was to push the penis gag into his mouth and clip it in place.  A final set of photos were taken and and maneuvered him onto the corner mat in the utility room next to where we do the majority of the photos.

My plan was that my husband would spend the next 30 minutes doing some focused corner time with that I connected the headphones to my tablet and selected a sound track of some FEMDOM porn for him to focus on (I used the sound track from a couple of humiliation videos and a Small Penis Humiliation (SPH) MP3) and I then set the TENs units to their middle (ish) settings, which was level 15 on the old unit and level 5 on each of the channels on the new unit for about 10 minutes. 

I felt that 10 minutes would be a good duration for him to get used to the settings that would be pulsing through his muscles and also tormenting his clittie.

Something to note is that in the past when we have played with the TENs unit with pads on billie's clittie and with a set of pads on his balls, it hasn't been that effective, billie reported that the pulses all merging into one set of pulses over his genitals.  we've found it more effective to separate the pads to use on his clittie or balls and the other set to place on the skin behind his balls and hole and this has far more effect for him. That type of combination does get him leaking quite a bit!

After the 10 minutes I came back to him and then set both TENs units a little bit higher, the Abs and bum unit went to 3/4 max (level 20)  but I set the new unit to maximum on both channel for the remaining 20 minutes.  I stayed and watched billie just to make sure that he was OK and didn't loose his balance.  

It was clear that the old unit was giving him a lot of work out as it was making his bum tense and he told me afterwards that his abs where in constant flux of tense and relax and tense.

As for the new unit it was pulsing a strong twitch and it was clear that either discomfort and/or pleasure was causing my billie to move slightly and it all clearly increased his breathing.

With the timer reaching 30 minutes I turned of the sound track and started to strip each item of bondage from billie.  I uncliped his ankles and wrists and supported him into his room and had him sit down.  

I had him strip down to his normal lingerie and got the shoes off and made him lie down.  I told him to stay on the bed and went to get him some water.

I wanted him to settle down after his session and just to calm.  I lay with him and let him cuddle into me and I told him that I loved him.  I felt is was important to have this cooling down period, just so I could check that he was ok and also to make sure that the session was not too hard on him. Carol taught me that aftercare of a submissive after a session is important and that is very much the case with billie and especially when trying something new or pushing boundaries.

once we had rested and I was sure that he was OK, I got him to give me some feed back on the session, what worked, what wasn't he keen on and why.  Just because he isn't keen on it is not an excuse not to use it again but it is important to know what the reason is behind it.  Bille said he was OK with the levels of the TENs unit but the high setting on the old unit on his bum and belly were quite hard for him to endure, so that was duly noted.  It appeared that overall the new punishment/ corner outfit has proved to be a success.

We will have to see what happens with his next session which will be with less light as it will have the black hood and perhaps he will be in the downstairs toilet with all of its lack of light.  Its something for him to look forward to - perhaps?

09 January 2024

A Christmas present to keep me frustrated.

 On Christmas morning when we all sat down to start opening presents  we would just pick one at random, if the person who had given the present didn't want it opened at that point in time they would simply say "not that one! pick another".

This was the case when I went to open the present in the plain wrapper (it's the 8th of Jan and it still hasn't been opened and taunts me from the dining table!!).  I was told to leave that parcel and picked up a smaller rectangular box.  Once the christmas paper was off, the box was plain white and I proceeded to open it up.

I lifted the contents out and looked at the black object and then looked at Madam with a quizzed look.

"What is it"

Is it a small accordian?

  "Take one of the end caps off"

With the end off it was now very clear that it was a fleshlight sex toy, with a vagina at one end.

I gave Madam another quizzical look, while I didn't say the words "but I'm in chastity?" was as probably written all over my face as I looked at her.

"You already have a dildo that you refer to as 'Master', that you take with you when you go on work trips.  Well I thought it would be appropriate that you have a travel toy that you can call 'Mistress', you can use both toys to practice on while you are away."

"Will you let me have my key for when I'm on the road then?"

"Oh no Dear! you misunderstand, I want you to use it to keep up to speed with your Oral skills, Just as you do with the Master Dildo."  Madam further explained "Besides, even if you were unlocked you will barely manage to get into it!"
No entry for caged clitties.

I must have blushed with that statement as I certainly was embarrassed by it and it wasn't helped with Sir having a chuckle to himself at Madam's comments.

So there you have it my wife gave her husband a fleshlight sex toy so that he can keep up his oral tongue skills when away from her.  

A frustrating and humiliating but very thoughtful gift.  I love my Madam Wife.

06 January 2024

Christmas Presents and Surprises.

Happy New Year to everyone from a rather wet and soggy Buckinghamshire, we  have survived the festive period and this weekend is getting the house back in order after having had a steady stream of guests.

I do have to apologise as I had planned to get a blog post published before Christmas but both Madam and Sir succumbed to the flu/ colds that were going around so for almost 2 weeks I was busy being maid and nurse maid.  It was almost getting to the point where I would have to paint a big cross on the front door to indicate that we were a plague house! Just in case there was a plague doctor passing!

Thankfully everyone was back to full(ish) health by christmas eve.  

This christmas would see us being a bit more busy with friends coming to stay at various times.  Sir normally leaves us on Christmas eve so that he can spend christmas with his daughters, that wouldn't be the case this year as they has other plans, one with his ex wife and his oldest girl would be with her Boyfriends parents.  So we would be hosting Sir though to the wednesday (27th).

Then on the evening of the 27th we then had Carol and Kerri arrive to stay with us until the 2nd of January. And our final guests were Ellie and David who arrived on the 1st and stay with us until Tuesday (2nd) evening.

It was really nice to have everyone stay with us and there have been some really interesting things occur and I'll cover some of the main points and the hope is that I can then do some separate blog posts about some of the things/ activities that we got up to as probably deserve some more detail that this post would allow for.

With Sir staying longer than usual I had come to the conclusion that I would not be getting unlocked for christmas, not that I have a right to expect it, it is just that over previous years Madam has graciously allowed me to be uncaged for a period often being unlocked just prior to Sir leaving on Christmas eve.  I now had the hope that I may become unlocked on the 27th when Sir would be leaving us.

For all of the 23rd, Christmas Eve and the start of Christmas day Madam required me to be in Sissy Maid dress.  Christmas Eve was spent wrapping the last of the presents and also preparing as much as we could for Christmas day, so that we could work on minimal effort on the day and focus on enjoying the day, making merry and relaxing.

When Christmas morning Arrived it would appear that we had all been good Boys and Girls (and sissy cuckold) as Santa seemed to bring a whole mix of presents for us.  There was the usual mix of biscuits and chocolates, toiletries (perfume, bubble bath, shower cremes etc) and and a few other items.  There were a few items for each of us that were definitely related to our lifestyle.  Madam got some lingerie and hosiery from both Sir and myself which is not really a surprise I suppose!  

For me the main gifts were
  • A pair of black sheer trousers, while these were not the specific type that Madam had been looking for, but they are very nice and you can see what is being worn underneath.  (I'll do a seperate post on them).

  • Madam gave me a strap on harness with dildos with the view to adapt it to meet a task that I had to complete. (a crafting project!)
  • A rather humiliating sex toy from both Madam and Sir for me to take with me whenever I'm away from home (This will get it's own post).
  • Sir had in previous years given me a very sissy set of underwear to wear, this year he went further and gave me a "Cuckolded Husband" outfit that I would be required to wear on his direction and particularly when I would be required to be in the bedroom with him and Madam.  I had to go and change into this outfit once the presents were all opened and it was the outfit that I wore for the rest of Christmas day and boxing day.  (Madam wants this as a separate post, all I can say at the moment is "very pink!")
  •  A box wrapped in plain red, non christmas, wrapping, this was from Madam and I was told that I was not allowed to open this until after all our guests have left and only once directed by Madam.  It currently sits unopened on the dining room table.  I'm not sure if I should be curious or worried about what is in/ lurcking in the red wrapping?  I have a real element of both emotions at the moment every time I look at the box.
  • What I thought was the last present was a big envelope, when I opened it, it contained 5 white envelopes.  Each envelope has a date on it and Madam explained that this was a gift of activities and tasks.  Each of the dates is a Monday over January and February and are not to be opened until the allotted time.  Each of the tasks will be outlined in the envelope, with instructions and conditions and where appropriate a completion date.  Judging from Sir's reaction he either knows what the tasks are or had a hand in their creation.  The first task envelope gets opened on this coming Monday (8th January).
  • Madam left the room and came back with a small jewelry box with a pink ribbon on it and handed it to me.  I was told to open it as it had a surprise for me.  
I opened the box and inside was a key - a chastity key!  Mine?

I stared at it and then looked at Madam.  She smiled at me and simply said "Well?"

I blurted out "Thank you", I really didn't expect to be given my key.

"Do you want to try it?"
"Yes, please. Thank you Madam. Can I?" I got a nod and a big smile from Madam

I raised my skirt and petticoats and pushed down the front of my satin knickers and exposed my caged clittie and slid in the key.

The key would not turn, I took it out and tried again, but no change, it would not turn the lock.

Sir and Madam, burst out laughing and I was told to stop trying before I broke the key in the lock.

I must have looked frustrated and looked at Madam with a look of "I don't understand?"

Madam smiled at me, "It isn't your key, dear, It is the spare key for kerri's chastity!  You will be her key holder for the duration of her time here, you can unlock her any time you want, but my guess is you'll unlock her at the first opportunity you both get, you pair of tarts!  The only condition is that you must lock her back up before Ellie and David arrive."

While I was disappointed with the key not being for my chastity, this really was my best present and Madam was correct I would be unlocking kerri at the earliest opportunity once she arrived!

"billie, you are going to stay caged for the next 7 weeks, I'm sure you'll manage, I'm going to unlock you on Valentines day, I promise. It will give you something to look forward to."

Wednesday 14th February is now marked on the kitchen calendar as "😊Unlocking day". Yes something for me to look forward to, considering I've been caged since the summer (with supervised unlockings for shaving and hygiene). Don't get me wrong I (perversely) enjoy being caged for my Madam, but I also look forward to being unlocked for her as well.

With all the presents opened (well those that were allowed to be opened), I was sent to get changed into my new outfit and we settled down to have a christmas day of eating, drinking and making merry in our very particular way.  In a follow on post I'll explain about my new outfit and how it was used on Christmas Night and also on occasions going forward.

We all had an enjoyable Christmas Day and Boxing Day, while mine included a lot of humiliation and frustration, I wouldn't change it for the world.  Added to which I had the key to my gurlfriend's chastity cage and she would arrive very soon, that was something for me to look forward to!

More to follow!  



Knowing me too well, a blast from the past!

 Morning Everyone, I'm home alone at the moment as Madam has been away with work for a few days and it has involved her being up north l...