16 July 2023

We are still here!

 From Madam Alice.

Well we are still here but it had been a challenging few weeks and months.  Billie has been having a rough time due to family issues, work and a few other things.  We have been attempting to support and look after him.  So this weekend we have been keeping him occupied and distracted, which I think has done him the world of good.

I know that some of you have been in contact with billie and I wish to publicly thank you for your support to him, that does mean a lot to me, it really does.

At the moment billie is just having a bit of a tidy up of himself as John and myself have been enjoying his submissive nature for most of the day and now that John has gone home it is time to slow things down a little.  So at the moment I think billie is having a bit of a soak in the bath.

I hope that between the two of us we will have a new blog post out  in the next day or so.  billie's work shouldn't have him on the road this week so we should have time to tell what we have been up to.

As it is, I just wanted to let you all know we are well here, and that billie is much improved and that I am taking every effort to look after him.

Madam Alice

Changes and Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

 From Madam Alice: I know that I have not written for a bit of time but that is due to a number of things, mainly as Blogger still has restr...