21 February 2023

Update on Site Access Issues and an alternative solution

 Evening folks,

Just a short posting to keep you updated on where we are with the access issues to the blog.

Firstly - it does seem that all of the blogger and blogspot sites are now in an enclosed community, however it now appears that rather than just being for those registered with blogger it does allow people to log in with a gmail account to access the blogs.

while this is still bloody annoying it is a lot better than what it was a week ago.

Secondly - I've become really interested in the blog stats (Just how bloody dull am I!?), just bear with me on this, This site is now running at about half the viewing that it was previously.  It appears that the viewing traffic from outside sites such as Twitter and Tumblr have pretty much dropped right off, those would have been the people that would have followed the links from my profile and postings on those sites.  

Poppet SubSlut's blog (https://poppetsubslut.blogspot.com/ ) is still the top referrer to our blog - We Love you Poppet! Many Thanks!

Overall we have now seen that things have stabilised and we can sort of account for the drop in viewing traffic.

Thirdly - some good news, late last week at some point the system recognised that Madam was above the age of 18 and she can now access and view blogs with "Sensitive Content" warnings.  That's great as it means that she can now see her posts when she publishes them and also it will allow her to comment on postings and blogs that she follows.

Lastly and the main bit of news - We have set up a blog outside of blogger.....

DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!  

We are not leaving, the new blog site is set up to to be the back up for this site.  This site (blogger) will be the working site where posts are placed and then we will import the blogger post into the back up location and publish there as well.

we've done some testing and it seems to work, it will take the blog posts, the images, gifs and also the comments and put them into the right time order.  The only thing that it won't do is import any MP4 or video items - I'll have to add those separately if necessary.

I've set up the new blog site for 2 reasons - having had our blog implode several times with little or minimal notice I wanted to have an alternative bolthole to go to just incase the worst was to happen.  Alice and myself both feel we have now invested a lot of time and effort into the blog, and we both really enjoy blogging and engaging with those of you who comment or message us, so having an established back up running in tandem seems prudent (belt and braces....or.....suspenders with hold ups ).

and that corner is the alternative blog site

The other reason was that it will allow the followers that can't or won't access blogger to still see what we are upto and to comment on posts - people like SaraE who was a regular to our posts.

The other thing with this is we have managed to use the web address that was the original name of our blog:


So that is where we are and an update.  If any of you visit the back up blog site, let us know what you think or if you find that there is a problem with it so we can get it fixed.

billie xxxx


  1. billie - i must ask you how you went about creating that shadow site, i may need to do something similar to be on the safe side.

    i know i owe you a separate piece of correspondence, please bear with me this has been a super busy week


  2. P,
    You take your time, no rush with things.

    I'll talk you you through the process I went through and if it makes sense to you then I'll probably use that as a template for a post here on the blog.

    billie xxx


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