05 May 2020

Getting the most out of Power Dressing

From Madam Alice

hello, hope you are all well. we are all in good health here.  life has continued with our self isolating and working from home.

Mick has continued to do some online/ distance tutoring for his couple of students, this is mainly Mondays and Tuesdays for them and he has continued with some of his research but that was mainly on Wednesday.  he normally gets back into billie mode very quickly after finishing.

John has been continuing with his company's work and that seems to be working quite well, a few of his team have had to have new computers and software to deal with some of the work but overall he seems quite happy with the way his staff are working and dealing with things.

I am being Skyped/ MS Team/ Zoomed to death! some of it is bloody painful, so much so that out department head has stepped in to save us - we definitely have some people working from home that are bored/ lonely/ want to annoy someone and therefore decide to schedule a meeting and then invite everyone.  Hopefully now that we have clear direction a lot of that crap will stop.

As it was Thursday saw me having to dress up a little - a couple of finance briefs to senior management on camera so it was on with my suit.  I decided to put my own twist on it.

I had billie get my grey trouser suit out and pressed.  I then put my hair up in a bun (which is growing more than I expected.)  I then added my quarter cup bra, waspie and black stockings.  Added to the outfit I decided on my 5" heels with the 1" platform.  The final part and the twist was I decided to wear one of my strap-ons.  No panties or knickers I was going Commando!

billie brought my suit in as I was finishing my dressing and adding my "cock".  I told billie to put my suit on the bed and to get down and give me a little bit of a BJ.   while she worked her mouth on the dildo I told her that once I was dressed and off to the study she was to go and change into her secretary outfit with her pencil skirt and she was to be in Ms Watson mode for the day.

As she bobbed her head up and down my strap-on I gave her instructions for the day.  I would want tea in the study at 9.30am, with a light lunch at 12.00 noon in the dining room.  she should work from her table in the utility room and be on call if I need her.  John would want her to help him later in the afternoon when he goes to the office to deal with Mail and Orders.

After a short while and billie had got into her stride I took hold of her head and started to thrust at her effectively face-fucking her - I'm very careful with this as the issue is that a strap-on isn't the same as a cock so it's important not to get carried away with things.  either way billie did very well and when I was content I stopped and told her to go and change while I finished dressing.

Cream satin blouse, dark grey trousers, I dress to the left by the way and then topped off with the Jacket, heels back on and then off down to the study and to log on.

It's quite strange really, here I was in my study in a woman's suit, very much the power suit for the office bitch, and I kept finding myself playing with my "cock" through my trousers.  It was quite a strange experience once you realise that you are doing it.

billie appeared with my tea and 2 biscuits at 9.30 on the dot.  I carried out a quick inspection and yes slightly damp panties and a plugged bottom - lovely.  I told her that my first meeting was at 10am and she should be back here at 9.50.

9.50 saw billie reappear, thinking that she was here to take my empty cup and plate away but no I had other plans.

I told her to crawl under my desk and get my cock out.  I had placed a cushion on the floor for her - I'm kind like that, but also I didn't know how long the meeting would take.

My instructions were simple.  take the cock in her mouth like a good slut secretary and make sure her mouth does not come off of it until I tell her to do so at the end of my meeting.  she was to keep the noise to a minimum as she wouldn't know when I would be on mic.

she should start licking the cock and when the meeting starts she would then start her blowjob.

well my darling sissy secretary spent 47 minutes on her knees with my cock in her mouth.  There was a couple of times during the meeting where I reached under and placed my hand on the back of her head and forced her down slowly onto the cock and held her there for a few seconds.  on one of theses she gagged - I held her a little too long perhaps, I let her up for air and she quickly went back onto the dildo.  while she didn't know it I had muted the microphone each time.

At the end of the meeting I allowed billie to get out from the desk and told her that since she had made some noise, that she should be punished.  I had her bend over the desk and pull her skirt up and I took my paddle from my desk drawer and gave her 4 not so gentle smacks.  I told her to get up, leave her knickers with me and to get on with her tasks.  I told her the next meeting would be at 2pm, she should be back in position for 1.50pm ready to go again.  With that I dismissed her back to work.

The afternoon meeting was a bit shorter at 35 minutes but billie was a lot better with less noise but plenty of enthusiasm.

It would appear that this was a bit of practice for her as John had her provide the same service while he spoke to a supplier on the phone when the two of them went to his offices.

I enjoyed my Power dressing and having my cock in my trousers.  I think I'll repeat this again but I may just have to have a go at fucking my secretary in the office this week, she's certainly a tart that would be up for it!

everyone please take care, keep safe and stay healthy

King Regards

Madam Alice


  1. Madam Alice - with treats like that i can only imagine how much billie must be enjoying the lockdown at home. billie must have had a bit of a case of lock(or cock)jaw afterwards.

    And what a lovely surprise it would have been for your colleagues if they had only been able to see what was so tantalisingly out of view.

    Stay safe all and enjoy the long weekend, as i am sure you all will. Very envious of you having access to a garden right now.


    1. Hi P, Madam has repeated this a couple of times last week, I think that she enjoys the thrill of having me there under the desk while connected to her work. I'm not sure that she would want me to spend 30 minutes providing oral to her wonderful pussy - not unless she has the mute on and also not on camera.

      we are very lucky with having the garden. and we have tried to make the most of it over the last few weeks. I'm quite proud of it considering it was a just a dumping ground when we bought this place - the previous owner tried to renovate the house and dumped all the stripped out materials in the back garden. it took months to clear it and then a few years to make it a garden again.

      billie xxx

  2. Madam Alice- Thank You!
    So nice to all be able to work at home, isn't it?
    Love how you took control and had billie bobbing on your cock! :)
    Nice of you to provide a pillow, wow! But Im' not sure it's fair to punish her if you made her gag, lol!! :) Kisses, sara

    1. Hi Sara,
      Like a lot of people I think Madam is keen to get back to her normal work but it wouldn't surprise me if she starts doing more work from home in the future (after this finishes).
      Madam and Sir are normally pretty good at providing me with a cushion - my knees aren't what they used to be you know!!
      and as for being fair, well as Madam would say "in a FLR, where does it say that I need to be fair?"
      I don't mind, I love her and she loves me, so getting spanked by her is one of the perks of the relationship - if you know what I mean!

      billie xxx

    2. billie- thanks. Yes, have to imagine She will want to work at home now more, after experiencing these pleasures.
      I'm glad they allow you a cushion... yay. And of course, doesn't need to be fair. A good spank will make it all worthwhile! kiss, sara


Changes and Absence makes the heart grow fonder....

 From Madam Alice: I know that I have not written for a bit of time but that is due to a number of things, mainly as Blogger still has restr...