06 December 2019

An Update from the Luff Household

From Alice

Good Morning, firstly an apology for having been rather quite recently, this was due to having been away on our trip and Mick having been up in the Yorkshire and Newcastle area working.

And now the important news, while John and I were away we were in contact with Mick/ billie every 2 days and we noticed that he seemed to have gotten a cold, well we got back last Friday to find that his cold was definitely a lot worse that he had been telling us.

Over the weekend John found him rather short of breath so we took him to A&E and it appears that he had a serious chest infection.  So we've had him bedded down with a rather strict regime of medicines and rest.

Between myself and John we have been keeping Mick/billie in his bed and keeping a check on him.  It was almost necessary to get the wrist and ankle cuffs out to keep him in his bed as John came over at lunch time to find him out of bed trying to do work around the house.  John gave him a bit of a bollocking and put him back to bed before getting him his lunch.

I think at that point Mick realised that we were serious about looking after him.

He is on the mend and until he is fully back to health I've told him to curtail his social media activity and blogging.  Don't worry he will be back posting shortly.

So if you'll excuse me I'll go and check on my patient prior to going into work.

Hopefully normal service will resume shortly.


  1. Thanks for the update Alice and i am so sorry to hear that Billie has been unwell, sounds like it was quite a nasty chest infection. Do pass on my best wishes to Billie for a speedy recovery and to tell him to make the most of beign waited on!


    1. Hi P, I passed on your best to billie, you'll be glad to know that the Doctor is happy with his progress and I've put him on "light duties" until he gets the full all clear. he is due to go back to the Doctor at the end of the week and hopefully I'll have my maid back to full health.

      John was the most concerned for him and was out here every lunch time checking on him while I was going in late to work in the morning. so he has been well cared for.

      we don't mind nursing him so long as he gets back to full health.


  2. Thank you for the update Alice and hopefully he will be back up and serving you both in no time.



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